back to article Apple retail boss Browett bags $1.74m of shares

The allure of leading Apple's store strategy, coupled with a generous restricted stock package of 100,000 shares, currently valued at $623 a unit, saw Browett flee the CEO's office at Dixons Retail in January. In the SEC document, Apple revealed the Brit received 5,000 shares but 2,159 were sold for tax withholding purposes. …


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  1. tony


    And the apple stores have gone downhill since.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    where there's muck there's brass

    albeit shiny muck

  3. Eponymous Bastard


    Hopefully Browett will destroy the Apple empire; he certainly didn't save the limping DSGI or whatever that bunch of arseholes call themselves these days so he's got a cracking track record Gromit!

  4. Anonymous Coward

    yes yes yes, but how much TAX did he pay

    What no mention of how much TAX he pays, thats usualy a bad sign that he does pay it in todays news standards about what people earn and why.

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