Not "hacking".
Bring on the downvotes you 'tards. I can take it.
Hackers have lifted potentially sensitive data from the US National Weather Service after exploiting a vulnerability in the weather.gov website. A previously-unknown group called Kosova Hacker's Security claimed credit for the hack in a lengthy post on pastebin, containing a stream of data lifted as a result of the hack. …
Is anybody else reminded of the scene in Die Hard, where the bad guys are telling the FBI their "demands"?
Karl: [mouthing silently] Asian Dawn?
Hans: [covers the radio] I read about them in Time magazine.
It seems to me these skiddies are about the same:
"OMFG W3 K@n 707@11ee Pwnz0rZ D!S $!73."
"Y R W3 d0!n9 d!s?"
The crack first, then look for justification later.
"They hack our nuclear plants using STUXNET and FLAME like malwares, they are bombing us 27*7, we can't sit silent - hack to payback them,"
Wow, thats a serious attack. They invented 3 more hours in the day just so they could do it!
(Also, you would have thought a tech news site would know the difference between hacking and cracking...)
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I bet they lit incense, gazed into the ether and were sent a vulnerability from the other side of the Moon. Invoke the secret fuzzers! Bring on the zero days! Reverse engineer the most recent patches!
No, scratch that...they stumbled upon a vulnerable website and stuck their flag in as if they actually killed something.
So they found a file inclusion bug which let them read any file on the server, given they knew the file location, read a few system files off which are almost completely useless (not even passwords).
Then they failed to convert this into a useful hack and publicize it shouting how great they are?
I looked out the window and all the clouds in the sky were going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth in unison. I thought maybe Top Gear was in town, perhaps filming a segment about the new Jag-u-ar F-Type, but it musta been those damn cr/hackers fiddling with the weather.