The US Government protecting CISCO
The US signed the WTO agreement and whenever it found it was incestuously screwing itself, it use Congressional inquiry after Congressional inquiry to delay things.
Canada has fine wood, grown n a cold climate, which makes for the finest products. So the US wood choppers bitch about losing their market to "unfair" competition from Canadian sources who get "Canadian government" subsidies.
The woodlands (forests) are Crown land and a timber company rents/leases a tract and pays the government an amount based upon wood chopped down.
So the American government imposes a temporary penalty tax Even though the US couldn't prove subsidies, repeated the process..
Eventually, after repeated findings of no subsidy, and repeated applications of 'temporary' tax a bilateral side agreement was signed. Now the Canadian government applies the very same tax before export and the Americans are happy.
Even with Canadian wood costing more, the US still bought the wood because it is simply better.
VietNam sells about USD$6,000,000 of our 'tiger' shrimp to the US annually. The sold far less food to VietNam because their food was substandard and they had foot and mouth, etc. The Vietnamese also had problems with ammonia being used during food processing, cows being fed on chicken remains, etc.
In fact the VN government ended up banning 'American beef'. To get the ban lifted the US government started imposing all sorts of restrictions, etc. They also told VN to use GM products (Franken food). Out comes the old bilateral agreement and the WTO gets bypassed again. (If you like US beef don't go reading < >!
Huawei and ZTE are simply going through the same process so the US can help CISCO. Paying off your Congressman makes for bigger profits.