back to article Google data center spies on ITSELF: 'Like a boring version of Doom'

Google has drawn back the curtain on one of its US data center complexes, with a Street-View-style tour of its tentacle in Lenoir, North Carolina. One Reg reader described the whole experience as "like a boring version of Doom", and an initial shufti appeared to confirm this analysis: Google data center with empty chair and …


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  1. ElNumbre

    The last picture...

    Use main entrance?

    As opposed to the back doors?

    I would.

    1. RICHTO

      Re: The last picture...

      A bit like Microsoft's Generation 2 datacentres.....(They are now on G4).

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The last picture...

        Ooh, ooh! Can you post us a link to an interactive map on Bing please Steve?

        Of course the real burning question is what's inside the racks? I reckon it's actually a huge chinchilla breeding programme and the janitor has only just that minute been down the aisles with the hoover.

        1. Crisp

          Re: What's inside the racks?

          Pigeons. Hundreds of thousands of pigeons.

        2. RICHTO

          Re: The last picture...

          I can do better than that, AC - here is the video!

      2. Tinker Tailor Soldier

        Re: The last picture...

        Yeah, because I am sure that Microsoft totally dominates in data centers and online services.... oh wait...!

        1. RICHTO

          Re: The last picture...

          Yes - like / hotmail (324 million users), Skype (250 million users) Xbox Live (40 million users), Office 365 (25 million users), etc. etc. you mean?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The last picture...

        RICHTO fails the Turing test, again.

  2. Anonymous Coward


    Notice the propellerhead is being Rickrolled by his monitor and laptop?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Rickroll!

      lol - hadn't caught that. Good stuff : )

  3. ukgnome

    'Like a boring version of Doom'

    It's my quote!

    Lester, you have made my day

    1. Mark C Casey

      Re: 'Like a boring version of Doom'

      Now that you're famous remember all us little folk. And don't let your ego take charge, many a star has fallen because of ego.

      1. ukgnome

        Re: 'Like a boring version of Doom'

        Lulz - I will always be a pleb

  4. GrumpyJoe

    Last photo

    now has a blurred face - obviously feeling a little guilty about all those snacks...

    1. jonfr

      Re: Last photo

      She in charge of the street view pictures. It is obvious that she is. Since here face is the only one blurred in this picture set. Other faces continue to be un-blurred when this is written.

  5. Chris Sake

    Patent war(ines)s

    Are the boomerangs in the photos right-angled to avoid a patent infringement with a certain fruity corporation?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Looks more like Ikea on the last day of the sale.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is that C3P0 really small.....

    ....or just far away?

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

      I dunno, where's a priest when you need one?

      Of course, you've neglected the possibility that the Stormtrooper is really big or really close up...

    2. Isendel Steel

      Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

      Shame on you - it's an R2D2

    3. Irongut Silver badge

      Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

      3PO is not the droid you're looking for.

      That's R2, dumbass!

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

      It must be staggeringly far away, as I can't see it at all.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

        Isn't that guy a bit short for a Storm Trooper?

        1. Danny 4

          Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

          Maybe that's a normal R2D2 but the stormtrooper and front door are very, very large. Presumably so all Google's big nobs can get through...

      2. toxicdragon

        Re: Is that C3P0 really small.....

        In front of the storm troopers foot flubjub

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Take a look past the Stormie and there is a Pharmacy :D

  9. John 104


    Are pretty much that boring. Seen one....

  10. NomNomNom

    is this that area 41 place where they kept the ufos?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Segway? Nope

    "... there were actually a few people knocking about when the spymobile, or more likely an Orwellian snoop Segway, came calling."

    Crew or Equipment Visible:

    Pan way down on at least some shots (such as the one inside the main entrance, where you can see through the metal detector) and it's possible to see the legs of the tripod.

    (Been spending way too much time on IMDB lately)

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Reminds me of Stepford Wives 1975

    ... ever so slightly evil.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Doom in the googleplex, that's an idea..

    I would LOVE google to turn their streetview maps into a FPS...

    Sure it would take some processing to turn them into true 3d maps, but not impossible..

    They have the CPU power....

    1. JetSetJim

      Re: Doom in the googleplex, that's an idea..

      There's an app that turns Google maps into a driving game (released by Mini) - but it's overhead only.

  14. yoinkster
    Thumb Up

    you've missed many of the other cool easter eggs.

    That computer screen you see (not the one's rickrolling us) has a graph for the SUPER SECRET PUE PLAN.

    There's a caged, waving Android. There's a notice on a notice board saying "WARNING THIS NOTICE HAS SHARP EDGES DO NOT TOUCH". They've got those kids foot scooter things and a parking bay for them next to the caged Android. Can't remember the rest but there's so much hilarity in it, thoroughly recommend anyone having a quick walk through.

    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      A funny notice? Scooters?!!

      I don't think I could take that much hilarity.

  15. ed 8

    Go outside

    It seems the poeple highlighted in the article have now been blured however If you go to the top of the stairs then down and outside you can go around the facility on the roads. Then there are about 20 people stood in hut/shelter with no face bluring at all!

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