"...this year's Dance your PhD competition..."
April the first is either very early or very late.
In the immortal words of John McEnroe, 'You cannot be Sirius!'
Australian scientists have won this year's Dance your PhD competition, an event boffins who explain their work with interpretive dance. Material scientist Peter Liddicoat, from the University of Sydney, took out the competition with a performance of A super-alloy is born: The romantic revolution of Lightness & Strength, …
Grayson Perry appointed Lucasian professor of mathematics. "It was a difficult decision, but this small, ugly pot with a crude representation of a willy on it shows a profound understanding of n dimensional Modular Forms. Having said that, it was his pigtails that swung our decision. We really like those."
Personally, I prefer a well written report with good diagrams, but, but ....
If you reject and belittle this, then you reject a novel form of communication and expression. The history of communication/computing technology is a history of experimentation by people who decided not to do things in the standard way. You should admire their experimentation and imagination and consider that this is probably why they are PhD candidates, whereas most of you (as well as me) are not.
The late great Frank Zappa has first dibs on this concept. It was he who remarked
"talking about music is like dancing about architecture"
I can't help thinking there is a trace of this resignation creeping into the mindset of these physicists and technologists, forever being asked to explain their work but without confusing the lay audience with concepts they don't understand already. Has anyone seen the recent Horizon series? - might as well be a radio show for all the benefit they get from the moving wallpaper. Why not explain it using the full bandwidth, sure everyone will miss most of it, but it gives a real feeling for the subject. How about getting musicians to play, and physicists to describe, using whatever they usually use.
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If you want some dancing that actually does communicate some technical content try these illustrations of sorting algorithms.