back to article 13-inch 'Retina Display' MacBook Pro to uncloak next Tuesday?

Today's Cupertinian rumeur du jour: a 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display will share the stage at next week's introduction of the much-anticipated iPad mini – or whatever that shrunken fondleslab may be dubbed. That is, of course, if there really is an event, as reported, on October 23 to introduce a svelter sibling of …


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  1. B-D

    Epoch making?

    1 part resin to 2 parts plasticiser if I remember correctly.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Epoch making?

      Would buy but only if it comes with a disc drive.

      It doesn't?

      Well, seems I just saved myself a lot of money.

    2. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Epoch making?

      In universally understood units, thats one dollop of resin to one smidge of hardener, as long as the ambient temperature is above ohh, nippy but below shitthatshot

    3. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Epoch making?

      I always thought the approximate birth of Christ (leaving the question of divinity explicitly aside), the accession of Richard the 1st, the French Revolution and possibly even January the 1st 1970 were fairly important dates. Little did I suspect that a new laptop was going to sweep our current era aside.

      I have my fingers crossed for the sake of the original author that his words have suffered an unduly literal translation.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Epoch making?

      That's a lot of plasticiser. It's 1 part glass to 2 of resin according to Lloyds. If J Ives used that much plasticiser, no wonder they changed to aluminium; it would add a new meaning to ”floppies”.

    5. This post has been deleted by its author

    6. Erwin Hofmann
      Thumb Up

      Re: Epoch making?

      ... and, what I will like the most, about the Retina Display of this new 13-inch MacBook Pro, will be the Apple logo shining through, on to the display ... again ... in a bright environment, that is ... oh, sorry, Mac's are not certified for this kind of use ...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Epoch making?

        Yes, that is a tad annoying. Fortunately, only really happens when posing in the window of Starbucks every day for about 4 hours.

  2. B-D

    I don't understand.

    Why are they making their small things bigger and their big things smaller?

    reeks of running out of other peoples ideas to me.

    1. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

      Re: I don't understand.

      Why are they making their small things bigger and their big things smaller?

      Packaging. With so many eco freaks running around, they are trying to get to The One Size(tm) that everyone is happy with, so that can recycle packaging ad infinitum. The ultimate goal is to actually stop making iThings and only resell the packaging it came in, but such a dramatic change has to be introduced gradually.

      Yes, yes, I'll go and change meds..

  3. ratfox

    Nope, nuh-huh, not a chance

    Mixing in a single event the new shiny reduced iPad with a new shiny reduced laptop? Apple knows better than this. They don't want to dilute the message.

    1. Darryl

      Re: Nope, nuh-huh, not a chance

      "dilute the message" = "get only half the free advertising from media coverage of fans lining up outside Apple stores"

  4. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

    Epoch making?

    My God, the Mayans knew the MacBook was coming!

  5. Bucky 2

    The original Mac

    I think that was Epoch making, too.

    I think...yes, I seem to, too sported a 13" display.

    Wow. What goes around really does come around

    1. James O'Shea Silver badge

      Re: The original Mac

      The original Mac had a 9-inch display. You are incorrect. I thought that perhaps you had meant the iMac, but the original iMac had a 15-inch display, so that's wrong, too.

  6. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

    Epoch? Isn't that in 2034 or so?

    And there I was, thinking that only Microsoft had mastered the art of making WAY too early announcements..


  7. Franklin Newton-Steyn

    this "event", right?

    jesus - even on this site no one posting comments responds (despite the fact that it's alluded to in the article title) that this even hasn't even been announced yet...

    I had higher hopes for reg readers.. I don't bat an eye at all the other (heh) fan sites when their commenters (or even editors, for that matter) just lock step in with this assumption.

    I wonder how many at Apple are laughing at the foregone conclusion that there is an event announced by everyone but Apple for Oct 23rd? Why don't you all wait with the tea leaves for when/if they really do announce this event?

    If I was Tim Cook I would put the thing off until January just to stick it to all the rabid gabby soothsayers.

    "Uh, we never said Oct 23rd...(audibly laughing to himself)."

    1. Esskay

      Re: this "event", right?

      I believe a lot of commentards didn't feel the need to point out the unconfirmed nature of the event since the sub-head mentioned just how "unconfirmed" the event was, as did the article. Such repetition within the reader responses would really be too radically repulsive for the renowned redundancy reducing Reg readership.

  8. P. Lee

    Too many dongles.

    Mac's have gone from an "all-in-one" to "lots of adapters needed."

    It isn't the cost (galling though that is), its the fact that now you need a laptop bag instead of just picking up the computer and going. Going on holiday and want to use it to watch films? Pack your DVD drive and USB adapter and HDMI adapter, you external drive of films (because they don't fit on the little internal one)...

    If it was "better" (such as flash replacing floppy) I'd understand it, but it isn't. If it was just an ultraportable Air, I'd understand it, but it isn't.

    I know, its off topic regarding the 13" possibility, but I need to express my disgust.

    1. Chet Mannly

      Re: Too many dongles.

      "Too many dongles.

      Mac's have gone from an "all-in-one" to "lots of adapters needed."

      Also lots of adapters to forget when traveling - you only have to forget one little adapter to ruin your whole trip.

      Just like changing the connector on the iphone, can't help thinking that the fat margins on these accessories was part of the decision.

      1. Bush_rat

        Re: Too many dongles.

        I agree, I understand that this "is the future", but I don't need the future :P

        Same with the Apple Maps thing, a friend said "Sure the data is a bit off, but it'll get better!" Awesome! But I need a map now.

        1. Dave 126 Silver badge

          Re: Too many dongles.

          I agree, this dongles are getting silly.


          A little pouch that affixes to the Kensington Lock hole, with a USB hub inside it. The male end of the cable would be very low profile, akin to a 'Nano reciever' for a mouse, the cable would be strong and aligned parallel to the laptop case.

  9. stu 4

    hoping for the 13 or even an 11

    an 11 inch retina, with quartz debugging enabling full use of resolution would do me.

    Failing that, the 13 with same.

    I've been 11ing for a few years now, though typing this on my MBP17 I still need for work dev sometimes for the real estate - give me insanely small text and I'll be a happy bunny. At least for another 10 years or so when I start to need racing glasses!

    1. Nadjau

      Re: hoping for the 13 or even an 11

      It's more than time that the 13" MacBook Pro moved on from a 1280x800px display.

      A significant improvement would make me consider replacing an ageing MacBook.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: hoping for the 13 or even an 11

      I've been 11ing for a few years now

      I'm sure your girlfriend is very happy :)

  10. Britt Johnston

    consistently reliable source at a high-profile US retailer

    that'll be the bar where employees leave their prototypes?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Epoch making?

    I'd have thought the cultivation of food crops and the creation of cities defined the current epoch slightly more than a slightly smaller, slightly thinner, slightly less useful laptop - but then again I'm not in marketing.

  12. Platelet

    or whatever that shrunken fondleslab may be dubbed.

    How about the iNexus 7?

  13. MGman

    Air please

    Getting upset with the screen resolution on all the Ultrabooks (which seem to want to be 1366x768), give me a 13" Retina Air and Apple can have more of my cash.

    It's not that it has to be Apple, I prefer Windows over OSX*, but so far nothing touches my current late 2010 Air for size/portability, touch pad and long standby with instant on.

    *I resevere the right to change my mind if I have to use Win8 Metro much in the near future.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Air please

      The on-chip Intel graphics aren't fast enough to cope with a Retina display in the MBA at the moment. I think the next generation chip or possibly the one after will be necessary before the Air can push around enough pixels with reasonable battery life unfortunately:(. Still, I think I might go for a 13" Macbook Pro Retina if and when they finally arrive in any case;).

      1. Mark .

        Re: Air please

        Indeed, that's the problem with high resolution displays.

        But then there's nothing special about Apple PCs, as there are a whole load of other ultra-portables planned also taking advantage of the next generation of Intel chips. (E.g., MS Surface Pro was already announced as being full HD[*] resolution.)

        [*] Using industry standard terminology, rather than marketing AppleSpeak like "Retina", which I have no clue what it actually means. Retina on an iphone seems to mean lower resolution that my Android phone, for example.

    2. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Air please

      >I resevere the right to change my mind if I have to use Win8 Metro

      Its Shirley inevitable that someone will come up with a reliable, issue-free replacement shell for Metro, and I would have thought most Reg readers would have the wits to install it if Metro doesn't grow on them

      Oh, if Win7 is anything to go by, Apple won't release BootCamp drivers for Win8 immediately. (Can Win8 use WIn7 drivers? I dunno)

  14. Jon Double Nice

    Updated Mac Pros?


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