Strategist from CA, the company that turned itself around and is now the shining star of...erm....well....uhhh.
I work in IT. I'm forever having to tell non-IT people who my company is, what they do, etc. CA is the only company where even IT people have to ask 'so what is it you do??' I look at their website and I can't tell if i'm looking at CA or Accenture.
I have no idea what they sell (apart from Arcserve...I would sacrifice my firstborn to never touch it again) or how they keep afloat but if I were looking for a chief strategist i'd do what Yahoo did. Find a mover and a shaker from a company that has been doing a lot of moving and shaking to really spice things up.
Netapp should be poaching high from VMware, Intel, EMC, Cisco, HP, IBM, Oracle. Companies that have acquired on scale, that have a history or strategy and successful acquisition. Look at what happened when HP poached Donatelli - over three years HP went from 'EVA HAR HAR' (Simpson's Nelson) to being a completely different beast with a wide portfolio.
If the ONTAP era really is coming to a close (as the article speculates) it's no wonder Netapp's survival is in the hope of being acquired and filling in a gap in a bigger companies portfolio. They don't have the cash to acquire what they need, they have trouble making acquisitions successful, internal developments are focused on using ONTAP in various flavours and they don't really do anything else well.