@Dave126 Re: Climate change a ruse to introduce new taxes
The UK is about to start facing power cuts. The United Kingdom- home of the Industrial Revolution, home of commercial nuclear power and supersonic flight, home of a good number of the key bits of modern computing- and former conquerors of quarter of the globe. *waves flag* Our homespun technology base alone should be keeping us up-and-running for the next hundred years.
Unfortunately we have been prevented from this- hence the impending powercuts. The Environmentalists and Nimbys ("The Great Uninformed") prevented us from erecting wind turbines because it may kill birds or spoil the landscape. They prevented us from creating Nuclear power stations because the Soviets pretty much deliberately blew up a poorly designed reactor.
And so we face power cuts. And our Children face worse still; if they get their way there won't be imported foods to bolster (or at least vary) food supplies or pesticides (to help us keep our crops). There will be petrol to fuel our cars, but only because the Oil Industry is very, very good at lobbying and because they follow a sensible system of constant R&D to push themselves forwards so can get at more and more of their reserves.
This is the world that the Environmentalists want for your kids- one with insufficient food and energy to sustain even Modern Britain. And, given the leftist stance a lot of them take, most of the food and energy will be spent on the poor and unproductive, worsening the problem. So your kids will starve and they'll starve in the same small village that they've always starved in because it's not worth the cost to go anywhere else. This isn't an extreme scenario where a brutal hippy dictator takes over, it's a series of very small, very sensible- at the time and with the 'econut' mentality- changes for the Greater Good.
Compare that with the so-called 'Denier' camp. At least the non-extremist-nutter end of that. We want to push ahead with nuclear because that gives us cheap, clean energy. We have no problems with renewables- they're good in their place- but acknowledge that they're not a solution to the mass-energy needs of a country. The same lot generally don't care about Organic foods either, mainly due to the lack of any evidence showing it's any better for you (in most cases), so by the 'Denier' mentality your kids would have plentiful food.
The non-extremist 'Denier' camp has faith that Humanity has the qualities that we have demonstrated again and again- resourcefulness, inventiveness, the ability to overcome problems.
Already we have demonstrated the ability to make synthetic carbon-neutral jet fuel- which diesels (so vans, lorries, trains, etc) can run on- basically obsoleting Hydrogen overnight (it's a pain to store and use- petroleum products are a lot nicer and already have a userbase of over 1bn cars). And algae-grown hydrocarbons are in development as we speak.
Recently we saw a nuclear power plant hit by a Tsunami and no significant damage was done (the damage that occurred came from diesel backup generators being flooded and not turning on the coolant; this can be engineered out of newbuilds and retro-fitted to existing reactors). That counts as Safe in my book.
The Denier camp has been responsible for more innovation, more creation and more useful developments than the Climate 'Believer' camp will ever achieve. Ask yourself, who would you trust with your kids future? Someone who pushed for betterment (even if it is mostly just for profit) or someone who told your kids "you can't have that, a kid in Africa might need it someday".