Great move MS
You just got pwned, by the Nitol and PRC again!.... :(
Microsoft has reached a settlement with the Chinese site linked to the Nitol DDoS botnet. The emerging Nitol botnet was hosted by the 3322.org domain. In order to stem the threat, Microsoft filed a suit to take control of the 70,000 malicious subdomains hosted on 3322.org, gaining control of the domain in mid September. …
Its all a ploy!Ssure block those known 3322.org sub domains that have already been flagged as malicous. while the "known" good ones have of APT payloads, that MS or any of the known AV vendors cant detect. Its all too fishy to me, the PRC is never this forward when they are busted (see Operation Auroura) they always play the victim.