Please Stop it.
I can't take those changes anymore.
The more I read about it, the more I want to never turn on a TV again
DMOL, the company maintaining the Freeview EPG and the order of stations listed within it, has thrown out two appeals made against the channel listing revamp it proposed in July. The channel number changes were due to be implemented in a retune that went through on 19 September. Thanks to two separate appeals against the plan …
but does it do the channel rejig for you? MY Fox T2 drops all my serieslink recordings on a retune - wasn't cheap either.
Getting quite fed up - my PC needs upgrades, my phone now needs upgrades, my consoles now need upgrades and now MY GODDAMN TV NEEDS UPGRADES!
I'm waiting for my shoes to tell me they need a software upgtrade to stop squeaking.
its been dropping serial links and recording lists for years, they still have not fixed it, they say back them up to usb the programs you have to record, yes right did that it backed up only a few not the lot.
its about time humax got it sorted along with the portal, the odd thing the new youview box is humax so why not get iplayer, itv player, 4od, fiver on our humax.
Sorry, can't agree, I ended up having to delete ALL the channels, and start again (Option 4 on the back end menu).
Where I live the MythTV scan produces 2 results for every station, with 3 results for about a 1/3rd, and 4 for some.
Unfortunately some of its first choices don't work (don't ask, I haven't the patience to try and sort it, since it takes the best part of a day to get it fully working again), but at least when it's done, all my series stuff are remembered, unlike some others here.
MythTV is great, but I could cheerfully strangle the berks who plan (no, not plan, screw up) these retunes.
My only compensation is that my Grundig HD box, used for live viewing/listening, automagically retunes itself, so I've a reference to check the Myth box against.
“on the Wednesday that follows 16 weeks after Logical Channel Number (LCN) 65 is allocated, ie. when the General Entertainment genre nears full capacity”.
Sounds like the way Easter is calculated, "first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox"...
> Sounds like the way Easter is calculated, "first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox"...
That's when the church determines the vernal equinox to be (by observation, not by calculation), so if the weather's bad they can be a few days out - and that in turn can markedly shift the actual date of easter.
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I'm sick and tired of re-doing my programme list across 4 tellys every other day. Can they just re-do the bastard thing so that any dedicated shopping/smut/religion/music or subscription channel is at the top end and normal stuff is at the bottom end. That way I can use the normal channels without ploughing through endless lists of crud (or re-programming on a daily basis)
I don't understand why there are so many posts upset at this shuffle of the channel numbers. It is not that hard to push the OK button on the remote to sort it out. And it brings us more choice and hopefully more HD channels in the future.
Yeah, analogue with its five channels only needed a change once every couple of decades, but these digital boxes are designed to handle the updates. When your TV asks to retune as a new channel has appeared I don't understand why people don't just hit the button and let the TV sort it out. It only takes a couple of minutes.
Depending on your PVR it loses serieslink recording stuff - so if you have a dozen or so links to programmes it LOSES THEM ALL and then you need to enter them all back in - by hand.
If you just have a dumb Freeview box no biggie, but PVRs are more of an issue, and I for one am getting fed up with it.
I think what has probably happened is that it has tuned different channels from different regions. Rather than showing the wrong EPG data it gives you blank timelines.
You should have duplicates of the affected channels somewhere in the high numbers which you could swap into the relevant positions.
Depending on the different areas you are getting you might be able to do a retune and pull out the aerial when the scan has finished one transmitter's frequencies if the all of one transmitter's frequencies are higher than the other's. Some Sony TV's allow manual tunes so you could just choose the frequencies you want.
Yup as the other poster mentioned this will be a regional issue possibly caused by a relay transmitter or a transmitter not broadcasting a network ID.
Happened to me using a mythTV system (I know, I know I deserve it) dug into it and it turned out there was no networkid for the channels in question. Once play around with the database later and I had EPG data but (A) how would you do that with a non PC based system and (B) WHY should you have to?
I watch BBC programmes only on iPlayer now, for just this reason. No pompous, plummy "oh, we're the BBC, we do all this stuff, aren't you all so grateful, you plebs" ads, no cutting off the end of the programme I've recorded because they started five minutes late (or, just to keep us on our toes, cutting off the beginning because they started two minutes early), no squeezing down the credits so you can't read them (so what's the point of showing them?), no cutting into your train of thought after a good programme with fake, cheery ads (sorry, trailers, sorry, TRAILs) for the next programme you're never going to see because you're watching a recording, or for some rubbishy programme next week you've no intention of watching, no prancing cartoon character jumping up right at the cliffhanger moment of a Doctor Who programme to advertise (sorry, TRAIL) the next programme.
Channel 4 do it all *so* much more tastefully. They don't need to squeeze the credits because the credits are narrow anyway. You feel the continuity announcers are real people, and they talk about "filums". You know the programmes won't be exactly at the listed times because they show ads (real, commercial ones), which is forgiveable. Can't think of much else to say, really, they just don't get in the way or up my nose like the BBC.
Had to upvote you for that rant, with which I quite agree. The Five "family" are similarly offensive with their butchering of the credits, and the voiceovers are particularly vacuous.
I think it's downright offensive to obscure the credits of a show or film. Most of the people therein aren't paid by the minute like those at the top of the bill, and seeing their name up there is a big part of the payoff for their work. Robbing them of that so you can witter on about what's on next seems unconscionably rude to me.
Also, since they started doing this, my batting average in the Film & TV rounds of pub quizzes has suffered immeasurably. This shower therefore owe me several free pints!
We've just lost analogue up here in the North East so 2 retunes. I had to do the work on several other households in the village where the elderly owners were't aware/tech savvy.
Leave it alone - we went for years on analogue without all this fuss. I have a TV, a Freeview PVR and an HD Freeview PVR so 3 things to retune each time at home as it is .
When the final analogue services get switched off and then leave it alone for a while - as someone in the engineering side of the broadcasting the earache I get from Mrs TWB for missed PVR recordings after a retune - and I have already set my Humax to not auto retune....
Don't the DTV standards already provide metadata for name, genre etc? Is it not time to hide channel numbers from the user? What is a channel number anyway except a poor man's UID?
Then it's up to whoever designs the UI for the box to present useful info to the user, make it organised, searchable, allow storing of favourites etc. Maybe all the required info is already there but TV and STB designers are just too damn lazy.
In the DTV era a TV 'channel' doesn't mean much in terms of the underlying transport so why not make it a clean break?
Why do we even need channel numbers? We managed to go from ordering by broadcast frequency to ordering by number, so it shouldn't be too hard to ditch channel numbers and allow users to order their channels as they see fit on their TV.
Yes, so some clever solution would be required for old TVs that deal in numbers only, but I'm sure any such TV that has a IR port would work with a new remote (anything from a fancy touch-screen smartphone-like remote, to a cheap big-buttoned one that you manually mapped your 10 favourite channels to, or a bluetooth/wi-fi donge+IR blaster combo that you could use a smartphone app with).
Last time they did this (about 3 weeks ago) both our rather elderly Humax PVRs failed to auto retune properly - we kept getting BBC London but with very weak signal (we live about 2 miles from the Beckley (Oxford) transmitter: we can see it at night from down the road). Had to find the right frequency and do a manual tune. So I'm not looking forward to all this again.
If they really have to do this, it should take place once a year on a fixed date.
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Heh, the last retune we had removed some itv channels and most of the radio stations because the Welsh across the channel moaned about interference, and we didnt even get the promised replacements (quest was one if i recall). Quite why they had to remove some major itv channels but keep loads of +1`s and shit like gay rabbit and the community channel is beyond me.
They seem to be making really bad use of the available spectrum (we only get 17 channels from the local transmitter), and to add insult to injury, itv1 is fucking Welsh, they couldnt even be bothered to pipe the local south west feed in which makes the local news a bit pointless unless you know someone in Wales.
Why do they even need to retune?, its not like there planning to add any more channels in my area in the next year or 2.
I switched to freesat, which has a much better picture quality and many more (mostly shit admittedly) channels and havnt used freeview since.
I mean really? As is mentioned ^^ the channels identify themselves in ways other than 'programme number' or 'channel number', Is it so hard for a TV to store the mapping of programme numbers, ie what I press on the remote, to channel identifiers, ie the actual data stream, such that any retune only remaps them, not deletes them and imposes a fresh, arbitrarily defined, mapping on me?
If it's that hard, perhaps I should patent it?
DIY, easy.
With Mythtv your pretty much free to do whatever the hell you want with channels.
Heck, if your in an area that's covered by a few different transmitters, you can choose one or both rather than trusting pot luck from a commercial freeview box/pvr.
Sure, it's going to cost you a bit more to build your own PVR - both cash and time - but this is The Register right?
It's what us geeks do.
Don't like the constant channel shifting? Pick your own numbers. Delete the shit you don't want.
At the same time, you get a PVR and media centre you can dabble with to your hearts content.
Seriously, Mythtv is a *must* for any diehard telly addict who wants to watch and record freeview.
As with earlier comentard, just use MythTV. One retune on the master backend (mine's in the basement) and that is all the "TV's" in the bedrooms; living room and kitchen sorted. Has not messed any recording rules (er yet..) all my presets still recording fine.
There is an investment in time setting up but it is way easier than a few years ago and just think of all those different set manufacturer gui's to fight with on all the sets in the house...Go on - be a geek
but I use MediaPortal rather than MythTV (looked at it but it wasn't right for me) and unfortunately that's designed to be a jack-of-all-trades (freesat, etc) so when it comes to Freeview it's somewhat lacking and I end up having to delete all the channels before re-scanning when they mess around with the channel lineup, to avoid ending up with duplicate entries (only one of which works of course).
I've made some suggestions on how they could improve it but unfortunately they don't have many people available/interested to work on the TV part of it at the moment (hint, hint, in case anyone has some time and thinks they might be able to help!)