Toooooo late, already got mine!
As expected, Samsung has added the iPhone 5 to its patent infringement case against Apple, coincidentally just after a California judge lifted the ban on importing the Korean electronics giant's Galaxy Tab 10.1 fondleslabs. "The iPhone 5 has the same accused functionality as the previously accused versions of the iPhone," …
This seems like a more legit comparison - although it is obviously - and not hiddenly so - done by Nokia-fans.
The difference isn't huge, but it's quite clear, especially when he's running.
I didn't spot a van in the windows of the building the were running near, but I think a nice touch would've been to flim into a mirror.
Anti-Nokia FUD from the media yet again.
The advert was showing the benefits of optical stabilisation. Even if their marketing team messed up, that doesn't change the technology - there have already been plenty of third party demos that show the benefits.
(I have a Samsung Galaxy, which I love - but I don't deny that Nokia's camera phone technology is number one, and is far more innovation than "let's make a 4" device, and screw up maps" that you get from a certain other company.)
White or blue plastic with rounded corners Sir?
Anodised aluminium with rounded corners Sir?
Bright red or yellow plastic with corners Sir?
What a crap choice we have, I want triangles, hexagons, polygons, tubes and cubes, squares, wands, octagons, I want innovation, specification and real design. I want a phone like an orgasm!
laying claim to the Crappy Map App.
That's Tom Cook's very own baby. And micron-thick anodising on soft aluminium (aluminum, for Americans), because they were too cheap to specify hard aluminium (aluminum), mauve tinted pictures and chipping glass.
Then there's the claim over Passbook, another piece of Apple copyware.
If you did devise a way to contain a sustainable fusion reaction in a mobile device, I believe you should be able to patent it.
You would have also have solved the issue of smart phones running out of power, as long as you have an fizzy drink can and a banana skin to hand (if Back to the Future has taught me anything)
I am not much of fan of Apple or Samsung, I own products of both companies, it appears to me that Samsung are just getting in a bit of retaliation. Have you looked at the links posted in the article? Patents for using styli with a touch screen, and volume controls on a media device, how do these patents get awarded? Are the patent clerks monkeys? Do they actually read these patents? Or are they are all approved by a computer?
No worse than any of apples patents, just saying that the patents system in the USA is broken, and is not fit for purpose. It is a joke.
It's quite simple really. The USPTO takes their fee, looks at the forms, makes sure it's all filled in correctly and rubber stamps it. They aren't technical and certainly aren't qualified to make judgements on validity and prior art. That's what the courts are for.
Meanwhile, the courts are of the opinion that the USPTO wouldn't grant the application without good cause, so they consider everything to be above board unless someone can convince them otherwise. Enter the scum-munching bottom-feeding patent lawyers who's opinion is for sale to the highest bidder.
Of course, this system works very well. After all, lots of patents are filed, so they must be useful, right?
It's probably more a case of the MAD button has been activated.
You think the patent madness is over now the first trial is done (subject to appeal)? Apples recent "victory" has simply spilled blood in the water, which will bring every troll for miles around, as well as incentivise Apple into litigation frenzy.
Samsung has no choice now but to fire lawyer salvo's at every new iFap that Apple launches as part of a giant war of attrition in order to wear down their cash flow through legal fees; and Samsung has the cash stockpiles to do it, too.
Strike first and strike hard to try and put the enemy down and frustrate their attack - Apple certainly signaled it's holding back. One only has to look at the amount of vexatious paperwork filed at Judge Lucy Koh - who is totally in over her head.
Perhaps the only good part of this is when America wakes up to see that they have fallen behind the rest of the world in competing technology and choice, they'll look to fix the patent system. But let's not hold our breath - this is America after all.
Another thing is Apple may have just awoken the beast. Now that Tim Cook is in charge, it's obvious he doesn't have the gonads to innovate and produce trend setting products. He's immediately fallen into the game of following the market - which is exactly what all phone makers were doing before Apple came a long and pushed over the *ahem* non-Apple cart.
The problem is that Apple has polluted the delicate ecosystem and turned the environment completely hostile - they will find it harder to compete in the phone market now than it would have been before.
FAIL icon for Apple - because when you're at the top, there's only one way to go.
"Samsung has no choice now but to fire lawyer salvo's at every new iFap that Apple launches as part of a giant war of attrition in order to wear down their cash flow through legal fees; and Samsung has the cash stockpiles to do it, too."
Samsung cash reserves: $11bn
Apple cash reserves: $100bn
Unless they have some water-tight open-and-shut cases to make then that would appear to be quite a risky strategy.
BTW, wishful thinking from Apple haters doesn't magically improve the merits of any case they bring, make patents valid or release them from FRAND obligations for standards related patents. Just sayin'.