back to article Rapper rips up Microsoft's Atlanta store during performance

It must have seemed like such a wonderful idea – have an up-and-coming rapper perform at Microsoft's store in the Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta Georgia. It all ended in tears, however, with trashed computers, claims that the police were called, and embarrassing videos circulating on YouTube. Machine Gun Kelly (MGK to his …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't know MGK but he looks, sounds and acts like an arsehole.

    1. LarsG

      He is really not that good is he........

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Could have been worse....

      Elton John, Paul McCartney or.......... George Michael!

    3. Piro

      Perfect first comment

      No-one's going to disagree here.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Hmm, 1 thumbs down. You don't think MGK reads the register do you?

      1. Naughtyhorse


        wiggas dont read man

        to busy keepin it real... real dumb that is

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      he's clearly a silly little PRick.

  2. Big-nosed Pengie


    As all rap is.

    1. LaeMing

      Re: Incomprehensible

      No, just Commercial RAP (C-RAP).

      Give me GMF and 'The Jungle' over these industry-sponsored talentless twats any day.

    2. Alpha Tony

      Re: Incomprehensible

      Not true. Rap can be as eloquent as any piece of poetry, which is really the traditional medium it is closest to.

      That said, unfortunately most commercial rap seems to be of the level of a retarded teenager with mother issues that has won the lottery:

      'I've got more money than you / I can disrespect more women than you / you'd better not disagree with me or I'll shoot you with all my guns.'


      1. Thomas 4

        Re: Incomprehensible

        Some of Wu-Tang Clan's very early stuff is actually pretty decent and considerably better than the crap pumped out by Dre et al.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Uzi Lover

        "I've got more money than you / I can disrespect more women than you / you'd better not disagree with me or I'll shoot you with all my guns"

        Fur-Q approves.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Uzi Lover

          It does seem that the African-American rappers demonstrate more professionalism and corporate sense than this twit. Either by not embarrassing their sponsors, or by starting their own businesses.

        2. Midnight

          Re: Uzi Lover

          "We anti-violent. Anyone says different, I'll bust a cap in their ass."

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. Esskay

    MGK: The talent Quest Kid

    Not sure what credibility he had before, but turning into a corporate shill (for that not-exactly-cool company "Microsoft", no less) has probably ensured that he has none now. Even turning it into a "fuck you bitchez" -type affair probably isn't enough to save him.

    As for Microsoft... It's like a geriatric trying to learn to skateboard so they can be "down with the kidz"... A lot needs to change before they can start hiring rappers.

    Also, MGK looks like a turd.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    FAIL == Microsoft

    See title...

    1. h4rm0ny

      Re: FAIL == Microsoft

      Not a Microsoft event. See article.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: FAIL == Microsoft

      The Microsoft store was just a venue Microsoft provided for an unrelated event. Note to MS, vet performers in future. Any with "Machine Gun" in their names should probably not be allowed.

      1. Esskay

        Re: FAIL == Microsoft

        My mistake, must learn to read... my grasp of english appears to have been on a similar level of MGK's when I wrote that.

  6. This post has been deleted by its author

  7. asdf

    wow just wow

    Guess they didn't learn their lesson about actually researching the entertainment after the last fiasco. If Family Guy is too edgy for your company it might be better to forgo the entertainment altogether.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: wow just wow

      What 'last fiasco'? And Family Guy 'too edgy' for MS? Did I miss something?

    2. asdf

      Re: wow just wow

      M$'s marketing asshats prior exploits for Win7

  8. Archibald Trumpetbeetle

    It was just his way of expressing his

    dissatisfaction with the new metro interface, the office ribbon, and the death of clippy.

    1. Thomas 4

      Re: It was just his way of expressing his

      Wait, Clippy has snuffed it?


      1. Richard Ball

        Re: Clippy dead


        Metal fatigue.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Well, to his defense...

    I suppose some people really lose their mind when becoming exposed too long to Windows 8. And when its a SOB like this one bad things happen....

  10. Eddy Ito

    Summed up nicely

    From the recording; "What they thought was going to happen?"

    Yup, someone at MS just earned their PhD in DuH. No mortar board and tassel needed they can just slap the other side of their forehead.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    1) What did they think would happen? He performed like he would anywhere.

    2) That is the most people in a Microsoft store ever and ever will be.

    3) After MGK pays for those machines, those will be the first sales that store ever had.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    That dude sucks balls and dicks for lunch. His rap sucks. It's a bunch of re-regurgitated rhymes from the other sponsored "artists". Wanker....

    1. toadwarrior

      Re: looser

      I guess he better tighten up then.

      1. Blitterbug

        Re: looser

        Mr Toad, just wanted to suggest that pointing out primary-school levels of spelling is a service to the community, so no trollface required...

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This article was updated to reflect the fact that this was not a Microsoft event.

    Uh, until I read that, I was still under the impression that it WAS a Microsoft event.

    1. Dan 37

      Re: This article was updated to reflect the fact that this was not a Microsoft event.

      "A spokesman from The Source agreed that the behavior wasn't suitable for the venue, and thanked Microsoft for letting them use the venue."

      That there is, I think, the only other indication. I could be wrong and I can't be bothered re-reading the article to check.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    how appropriate

    "While Metro's behavior was appropriate for a mobile device, some of it was not appropriate in a desktop environment"


  15. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

    It's time to go Kelly

    Well, at least now M$ know what it feels like when someone tramples your business.

  16. The Alpha Klutz
    Thumb Up

    "Suck my d*ck; I’m up in this motherf*cker. MGK in this b*tch. F*ck these computers," he announced,

    This line deserves to be savoured again in full.

    1. Naughtyhorse

      Re: "Suck my d*ck; I’m up in this motherf*cker. MGK in this b*tch. F*ck these computers,"

      keats must be gutted that he missed that one.

      (you are correct, i dont even know what a keat is!)

    2. AndrueC Silver badge

      Racey... :)

      Those error messages certainly do add a touch of modernity to Windows 8.

  17. Sir Barry
    Thumb Down

    And the kids today call that music?

    When I was a kid etc etc....

    1. P. Lee

      It must sting

      Bad PR for MS (even if it wasn't their event) but Apple makes money from him!

      Disgusted by the person, amused by the irony.

  18. Magister


    You youngsters don't know nuthin'

    There were times when rock stars used to trash hotel rooms, throw TVs out of windows, get busted for posession of class A drugs, get caught naked in a swimming pool with half a dozen under age groupies, and still do a 2 hour gig whilst pissed out of their minds from a couple of bottles of the local firewater.

    Damn, I'm turning into my grandfather!

    1. The Alpha Klutz

      Re: Lightweight!

      In the 90s the decided they weren't going to allow any more anti-establishment music. That's why all musicians now are so rigidly type-cast and law abiding. But their handlers allow them to talk a big game about having guns and drugs in order to sell records and indoctrinate the youth into mindless/violent capitalism. How lame.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Lightweight! (the alpha klutz)

        What planet do you live on?

  19. Shane 4

    Scrawny rapper?

    I think he should hit the weights before speaking this rap shit, Those words don't have any power to me anyway.

    I am quite confident even as a now unfit middle aged computer nerd I could lift this guy above my head(Seriously)!

    What is up with c-rap today, Absolute shit,Go back and learn from the eighties.

    Seems to be a case of find any words that rhyme and put it in a sentence with swear words and speak in loud angry voice.

    Could do it for anything really,try it yourselves and see how pathetic it has become. The cat sat on a big motherf*&^ing mat!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Scrawny rapper?

      I could lift two Kellys above my head. Beat that.

      1. Shane 4

        Re: Scrawny rapper?

        ;) you win. Voted you up, Think I might end up with a hernia doing challenges at this age. 1 kelly is enough :0

    2. Naughtyhorse

      Re: Scrawny rapper?

      Absolute shit,Go back and learn from the eighties.

      nah m8, theres a word for people that can only talk, and make nursery school rhymes... the audience.

      go back to the 30's get yo robert johnson on

      1. Steve Renouf
        Thumb Up

        Re: Scrawny rapper?

        Yay! Robert Johnson! Real music that real musicians today still do cover versions of!

        1. Naughtyhorse

          Re: Scrawny rapper?

          only cos the original is too scratchy and beat up to sample :-)

          though sampling can sometimes go horribly wrong :-D

          just love this clip

  20. Valerion

    Awful it may be

    But I'd still rather watch him than One Direction.

  21. Goat Jam

    What a talentless sack of shit

    Yet more evidence that we are living in a culture in decline..

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "While the artist’s behavior was appropriate for a concert, some of it was not appropriate in a store environment," a Microsoft spokeswoman told El Reg.

    Appropriate for single digit IQ crotch huggers maybe. And as someone else said, he needs to get hench or else the first "ho" he disses to her face is likely to punch him into tomorrow.

  23. Crisp

    You can't sing, you can't play, and you look awful.

    You'll go a long way!

    1. Steve Renouf

      Re: You can't sing, you can't play, and you look awful.

      Yeah! The longer the way - away, the better!

    2. Lord Lien
      Thumb Up

      Re: You can't sing, you can't play, and you look awful.

      Kit Kat advert from many, many, many moons ago :)

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What's all the fuss about?

    Walk into a computer shop, jump up on the counter, swear at the top of your voice, jump up and down on some laptops, then get ejected by security.

    Let's face it, we've all been there.

    1. Snapper
      Thumb Up

      Re: What's all the fuss about?

      "Walk into a Microsoft shop, jump up on the counter, swear at the top of your voice, jump up and down on some Windows 8 laptops, then get ejected by security.

      Let's face it, we've all been there."

      There, fixed it for you!

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Wrong video in the article?

    I just watched the video and was expecting to see a store getting trashed. Did I miss something?

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Clearly an undercover Apple agent

    Sent in by Apple to cause a distraction while other Apple agents made sure the MIcrosoft store was not in breach of Apple's store designs patents.

  27. Martin 63

    Windows 8/Vista/ME/95/3.1

    Heaven forfend that MS could be linked with something that trashes your hardware. There seems to be a Tick/Tock going on.

  28. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
    Big Brother


    ...he was escorted to that Oregon hog farm afterwards.

    1. Naughtyhorse

      Re: Hopefully...

      poor piggies

  29. Dogsauce

    Lacking invention

    'Machine Gun Kelly' was a member of 90's US rock/rap crossover act The Hard Corps, who were moderately well known (enough to sell records in Blighty). Guy could at least come up with an original name, although it seems invention is beyond his capacity.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Lacking invention

      Tattoos, a 'bad' attitude, wanting to 'stick it to the man' and a hair style made 'famous' by David Beckham. I don't know what you mean about lacking in originality. ;)

    2. Naughtyhorse

      Re: Lacking invention

      maybe i missed the irony train, but machine gun kelly was george barnes a proper ganster (note the spelling) so either one of these assholes could do with some inventive capabilities, and stop rippin off James Taylor songs :-D

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Lacking invention

      'Machine Gun Kelly' was a member of 90's US rock/rap crossover act The Hard Corps

      Who nicked their band name from a 80's Belgian electronic act. Now they knew how to shock the moral majority in style - appearing on prime time TV with a female stripper singing into a microphone that resembled a large dildo. Must be up on YouTube somewhere ...

  30. Sarah Davis

    Ohhhhhhh, finally i get it,..

    i didn't realise that 'rapper' meant 'dumb and pointless talentless arsehole' !

    1. Gil Grissum

      Re: Ohhhhhhh, finally i get it,..

      When it comes to a precious few, it doesn't. For this bloke, it definitely does.

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Steve Balmer's lost some weight

  32. Test Man
    Thumb Down

    He's no Eminem.

    1. Steve Renouf

      Yeah. I like the red ones...

      I'm hiding under it...

      1. Naughtyhorse

        i heard the red ones give you cancer.

        (photo of a ten pound note to whoever spots the oblique reference)

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    it's difficult not to smile...

    when you actually can remember this... ahh...the filth and the fury....

  34. ukgnome

    Machine Gun Kelly?

    Oh you mean "automaton shooty girls name"

    *fixed it for him

    **not bothered about going anon, as I aint freaked about his hood ratz and am well up for the shizzle (or some other load of shouty shouty bullshit)

    1. Naughtyhorse

      Re: Machine Gun Kelly?

      hey man!

      dont fuck with shouty shouty bullshit, he'll get all up in yo grille, and make you look like you were at the top of the fuck you up fairy's list.


  35. IT Hack

    ahhh hahahahahahahaha ha. hahahahahaha haaaahahaha etc...

  36. Gil Grissum

    Another rapper wannabee who acts and sounds just like every other rapper wannabee out there (minus the "permanent tan"), complete with pant sagging, obscene lyrics and gestures, and a total lack of class. This publicity stunt will surely get him plenty of thumbs up from thugs and thuggettes world wide. This may contribute to a short 15 minutes of fame before the lack of creativity and originality kick in (around the second album) and reduce him to being as unknown as he already is to most of us.

  37. mickey mouse the fith

    haha, I like the way he just went quietly when security asked him to, no caps bustin in no asses here.

    In his defence, he did give the crowd a good show and he sports the bitchinest hat this side of the smurf village.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      he sports the bitchinest hat this side of the smurf village

      It's commonly known as a twat hat, and often seen on celebs who have what we might term a "hairline issue" (see Chris Martin or Russell Brand for examples).

  38. Jtom

    Re: Goat Jam

    Yeah, I haven't been able to decide which is the case:

    Civilization has peaked and we are rapidly headed downhill.


    Some people successfully resisted becoming civilized.


    This is the way things have always been, and I'm just an uptight p*ick.

    Maybe a combination of all of the above.

    Regardless, the more of these 'artists' I hear, the more I appreciate classical music.

  39. Bradley Hardleigh-Hadderchance

    What an outrage!

    On 'bad boy' records.

    Soon to be signed to 'very naughty boy' records.


    In a press statement, MachineGun(Ned)Kelly (no relation to Ned(MachineGun)Kelly) said: "It's not true that I was manhandled out by a five-foot-two female security guard, they had to call the cops. Coz I'm so naughty, Your morals are so haughty, They thought they coulda taught me, Until they tried and faught me (no that's not right - I always get the last bit wrong)...No, in fact they had to call in the army, 200 marines and a secret elite crack S.W.A.T. team...Motherfuckas still couldn't take me down. But by this point I was getting bored and besides it was nearly tea time and Mother always worries about me if I'm not home on time...


    When 'bad boy' records were contacted and asked if there was any truth to the rumour that MG(N)K was jumping ship, they refused to comment.


    So impressed were his fans by his behaviour, a crowd gathered outside his house shouting:"MG(N)K is the Messiah, MG(N)K is the Messia". At which point MG(N)K appeared on the balcony arms outstretched, savouring the moment. That was until his Mother appeared and clipped him round the ear and told him to:"Get back inside and finish your tea".

    Everyone knows what she said next.............

  40. Lord Lien

    Nice way to get some FREE press....

    .. for MGK. Do wonder who told him to be a "bad boy gangsta thug". Did he work that out himself, or did the artist management team behind him tell him to do it?

    "You will be the most 'biatchin' gansta' ever if you do it"

    "But I don't want too"

    "Do it or we pull your contract! You need some press coverage"

    "Yes, boss"

    We need a Bill Hick icon.... for those that know.....

  41. Spoddyhalfwit

    They should have got foster and Allen along, appeal to the beardie weirdie freetards

  42. Boris S.

    What did you expect?

    I mean these ghetto rat crappers talking jive and actually getting paid to do so is criminal. These insane, crude, drug addicts who couldn't sing if their life depended on it, should be locked up not paid to make a damn fool of themselves and destroy property.

  43. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Yo MGK ..

    Doesn't matter how like a nigga' you try and sound - you'll never be BLACK !

  44. Bootneck

    You call that Music!!!! Shame cops dident pick him and slung him in the slammer for a few months, that would have quietened him down.

  45. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Send him to a padded cell

    MGK needs to spend a long time in a padded cell.

  46. Shane 4
    Thumb Up

    Awesome Commentors

    I swear the comments section is always better than the content, You people are so damn funny,It's not often I am bothered to read EVERY post on a site! +1 to all

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Awesome Commentors

      > I swear the comments section is always better than the content, You people are so damn funny,It's not often I am bothered to read EVERY post on a site! +1 to all

      I do my best ...

  47. Bill Fresher

    Is all that swearing really necessary?

  48. jon 72

    Where are the grammar nazis when the're needed?

    The use of colourful often vulgar language to convey an imperative or gravitas to statement is not exactly a new concept, who can forget the Duke of Edinburgh's classic “Fuck off or I’ll have you shot.” during his 1976 Hong Kong tour.

    IMHO this offering is not swearing but merely the deranged rambling of somebody in dire need of professional help. Good artists use such terms sparingly as spice for the content not as a substitute for content.

    1. Shane 4

      Re: Where are the grammar nazis when the're needed?

      Did he actually say that? No wonder I have never actually heard him speak for as long as I can remember. Maybe the Queen gave him a clip across the ears back home or made him sleep on the couch and he has behaved ever since.

  49. Richard Freeman

    Looks like his nappy is full....

    his pants have that classic droopy look that a toddlers nappy gets when it is full of crap!

    Although judging by his performance, maybe that's inspiration that he is keeping for later....

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