Analysts don't know anything
No one bought a desktop because every PC in the company's we sell too don't want to upgrade, as there is no need. The hardware has been at such a point for the past 5-6+ years, that software no longer needs better hardware to run at a level that's comfortable for the user. Company's now only buy systems when an old one dies, or new staff come in and need more stations. The PC market hasn't gone anywhere, it's just now reached a point of of total stagnation due to no need to replace hardware every couple of years as the latest version of software, runs just as fast as the old one. And with current OS's like 7 being smaller and faster than Vista, and 8 being faster than 7 (ok not like anyone's going to use it), the need for new hardware isn't going to come anytime soon.
Until hardware makers bring something new to the table (not something utterly unproductive like touch, gestures or any of that tat), than the market will linger in stagnation. What is installed is good enough. No need for new hardware at all. And all this utter trash about the wonders of tablets is nothing without actual market foundation. As a display device yes, people are using them. But for work, they are going back to the office and using the hardware the companies have had for years. Yes, it's a growth market at the moment, but as a replacement for the hardware in the companies? no it isn't.
Analysts don't know anything about the real world or the state of what or why thing's sell in the channel. Everything they say should be always taken with a huge pinch of salt, and even then with some rubber gloves on due to the amount of BS they shovel.
For the channel, it's a hard position. We can push selling machines for lower power consumption. We can push machines to look prettier in the office. But until someone gives a proper reason for clients to need new hardware this situation will continue. Meaning those in the channel need to diversify and adapt to keep ourselves going.