Re: Security
Actually, you get a clear indication that they know NFC is risky when you sign up for it: why do you think they limited the per-transaction value?
Name me ONE other reason why a credit card company willingly and voluntarily restricts its ability to push you into debt, other than that they know full well that security on NFC is so seriously absent they have to restrict payment value.
The most critical flaw of NFC is that it does away with the one barrier that stops abuse: demanding that a customer is present. The only reason your card only works in close proximity of readers is because the receiver in those readers is seriously crap. Use a better aerial and a better, low noise transceiver and you can pick cards up from quite a distance - they can talk a lot but that cannot change the physics of radio.
Oh, and the PIN request? All you do is drop such a transaction when you're mass gathering, because they are tied to the CARD, not to the merchant. If you're grabbing NFC money, you typically only access the cards that pass (say, in a rucksack whilst walking down Oxford Street on a busy Saturday). Even when you come across the same card twice, by that time it will have rotated through the PIN request so you can take another shot.
What's worse, exactly BECAUSE NFC limits transaction value, few will spot these smaller deductions on their bill. Make it look like a food company and it will take quite some time before someone catches up with you - in which case you've already banked what you grabbed.
The problem with NFC is that it's always on, and is thus harder to control. In mobiles they could have tied it to the phone being unlocked - but didn't. So there is no way I will ever go near NFC. We need LESS card risk, not more.