Can't see this working..
IBM just does not cut the mustard when it comes to features - their support will be 10x better than Amazon, but bang for buck, they just don't have the product for it!
IBM is about to start extolling the wonder of its cloud to medium-sized companies instead of sticking with its usual larger customers. Big Blue will the harness the power of a network of managed service providers in an effort to start a presence in a market dominated by companies like Amazon and Salesforce. Beancounters at …
Anyone that needs to get to SMB needs to use MSP's. Intel is trying too, but most MSP's realize that when they get the account for the big vendor, they become relegated to failed disk swappers eventually because all management is going to be done from the mother ship with no MSP needed for anything major. MSP's are being handed their own rope with a smile and a few bucks.
Just tried to get the free deal. Jumped through all the hoops a couple times before it seemed to be moving forward and at the last signup screen( I think).. you guessed it, it crapped on me. I have used a few of the clouds and find Amazon and Microsoft are in the lead. The new HP Cloud is a disgrace to the founders and I would like to report on the IBM cloud, but alas, the initial story is that it is junk.
One person said that Dell, HP and IBM are making crappy clouds just to give people a bad experience to taint the concept of cloud. "Yeah, we tried that cloud thing over at HP and it didn't meet our needs. We'll just keep buying servers and services."