We're doomed! All doomed! Doomed I tell ya!
Oh wait - maybe not.
An April 2012 earthquake in Indonesian may signal the breakup of the Indo-Australian tectonic plate and gave the earth's crust such a shaking that earthquakes happened all over the globe. That's the thrust of new articles in Nature, one of which analyses the quake and says the “11 April 2012 event had an extraordinarily …
That snake oid shit is powerful lol. But I completely agree if the world is gonna go to hell there is nothing I can do about it. There are definitly smarter people out there that (in theory should be) trying to solve this sort of problem, before it gets worse.
But so it Steve Im with you a nice cold beer and a deck chair to enjoy the show with!!
By definition any fault splits the crust. A strike slip sees adjacent sections of crust slide horizontally past one another with only limited vertical movement. Normal faults pull the crust apart whilst thrust faults shorten the crust by pushing one section of the crust over another.
Strike slips aren't that unusual either. The world's most famous earthquake zone along the Pacific coast of America is dominated by strike slip faults (of which the San Andreas is merely one). Other big strike slips are the Great Glen Fault in Scotland which still has occasional wobblies, the highly active Alpine fault that runs the length of New Zealand, and the North Anatolian Fault which runs through northern Turkey including not too far from Istanbul.
Why does everything in the US have to be the "world's xxxxest." I have no idea where you live but "the world's most famous" fault lies just off the coast of Japan, as far as I can tell, because I live in Japan and we had a really big quake recently....
Or did you actually mean the part of the pacific coast along America that is the most famous?
Kinda like "world series" baseball... Not that famous outside the Americas.
They have already claimed that there are more earthquakes due to increased CO2.
Unfortunately I can not find the peer reviewed paper that spouted this rubbish, but here is a quote from Bill McGuire from the UK government's Natural Hazard Working Group.
"Climate change is already driving more earthquakes and giant landslides in some parts of the world.”
It's not global warming, silly, it's climate change!
Speaking of climate change and earthquakes, did anybody else have the misfortune of watching "The Day After Tomorrow", where twisters AND an earthquake were ripping up Los Angeles? I guess the producers thought the weight of all that spinning air can actually cause the San Andreas fault to rupture, causing part of that skyscraper to collapse at the same time the twister took a chunk out of it.
Troll, because the way his mouth is shaped sorta looks like what happens when two tectonic plates can't agree on which way to go...
New types of transgenic organisms are growing in your gut now and they have been shown to cause essentially every health problem out there. Transgenic Bt corn makes its way into your gut flora and now you are being poisoned with Bt for life, which slowly splits your gut open and causes food to make it into the blood stream. you will get sick and die quickly, if you dont live in greece or italy in which case you're already getting petrol bombs lobbed at you day and night.
wake up
You don't own a house or any land. You weren't given a decent education or any job prospects worth a fuck. And now, you can say goodbye to your NHS, your pension, your car, and your livelihood. There are people in China being forced to do your job for pennies, and if they don't like it, they cant even commit suicide anymore. And you support this awful regime with hundreds of your over-inflated pounds and your fat fucking dollars. You think everything is just a big playground for you, and it's all okay as long as you can sit on the toilet with your iPhone in your free moments off from lining up at the dole officer or going to special government retraining camps to teach you how to be a security guard so you can keep the other plebs in line when they finally figure it out too.
It's such a clever system that you will be simultaneously oppressed and an oppressor. It's true hell on earth.
If your not going to use El Reg units i.e. Norris - No & linguine - lg, etc. then please remember that the 1930's Richter Scale is not the same as the now used 1970's MMS Mw, especially for large magnitude quakes.
Nevertheless, that was one big mutha of a quake - guess the bod's at HAARP got a bit too carried away!
California is huge, especially when compared to Delaware or Rhode Island, a 4-way split would make the whole mess far more manageable.
Or, if on the Indian/Pakistan border, it could split Kashmir apart from it's warring neighbours.
One problem, everyone, especially children, will have to learn new names for any additional continents formed.