Yet more iPhone linkbait
Enought already.
OK, so it's well known that buying an iPhone 5 is a foolish decision if you want a fully-featured smartphone with any useful new technology in it (the new Apple phone isn't one, and doesn't have any). Also Steve Jobs actually died as the last one came out, so his followers would in many ways be disrespecting his memory by …
I'm all for amusing articles about phones from all makers, but what a load of shite this one was. Whether you are an apple fan or not surely all agree that this was worse than a non story.
I know that anything with iPhone in the title is click bait and filling said article with deliberately provocative tripe will get the comments rolling in and hopefully someone might click on an ad or two, but for fuck sake please stop this crap. The Register used to be witty, critical and an often unmissable lunch hour read. Now, and especially in the last few months, it's worse than your average gossip mag. I need a new source of intelligent, critical and witty IT news...
You know what, you're right! i'm as much of an Apple hater as you'll ever see and love it when they're torn another a-hole, but up untill now it's always been reasonably fair and balanced and most of it based on facts. This story however was bitter and offensive from the start.
C'mon writers, you can do much, much better then this.
That is however not to say that it didn't make me chuckle.
I got an iPhone 5 on launch day and was showing off in the Indian Takeaway that night - just as the article says!! My last iPhone was a 3G that stopped working eventually and I have been 2 years without one so I had good reason to get one. When I talk to 4S owners wanting to upgrade I ask why? "Because it's new" is the reply.
I found the article both accurate and humorous. I'm starting to wonder if Lewis was in my take away on Friday and is writing about me.
I've been reading the Reg for over a decade, but I had to make an account just to upvote this. I understand (sort of) that this article - like so many on the Reg - was intended as tongue-in-cheek, but really it just comes off as pointless, the only people it appears to be ostensibly aimed at are those who buy the iPhone because it's the "coolest" phone... of which there are admittedly loads, but never in my life did I think that The Reg would be posting articles that supposedly pander to this brainless section of the market. I read the Reg because I'm fairly well informed on matters of technology, and I know what I want. And this sort of crap, is crap.
Breathe slowly and deeply and keep reciting, "It's just a phone, it's just a phone."
I used to be able to get excited about new technology, but successive gaming PCs have taught me this is folly. You are never ahead of the curve. And there are far more important things in life.
Has Paris Hilton got hers yet? Fnarr fnarr.
To the pounding The Reg took for their overlay sugar sweet review of the iPhone 5 that now they're going to diss it at any opportunity? This is worse than some of the stuff the Droid Trolls post.
Odd how your own reviewer seemed to think it was worth buying, nothing like consistency huh?
Hate to tell you this, but people have different opinions. It might be the reviewer is the only one in the office who think's it's worth buying, hell Lewis could be the only one that doesn't.
This article was obvious clickbait, but one of the things I do like about El Reg is there's generally no 'Corporate line'. It's OK for one hack to love the iPhone and one not to. Do you really think media is made better when hacks are made to toe the corporate line (for example, The Sun is considered pro-Tory, so expect no real negative press regarding them)?
The issue, really, is the number of article's we're seeing that appear to be designed to attract clicks. Not readers, clicks and impressions. That sucks.
I'll generally read every comment posted when I read a story (bit obsessive like that), but the number of stories where the comments are of far more value than the piece itself is growing worryingly high. Sadly it's not all down to commentards posting some real gems, sometimes the 'story' is just pure shite.
A little while ago I removed my ad-blocker as most sites I was visiting had started being far more subtle. The Reg in particular is really beginning to make me regret that decision though, so I suspect any impressions/clicks I might have generated will be disappearing shortly as I'm going to have to re-enable ABP etc.
"the number of stories where the comments are of far more value than the piece itself is growing worryingly high"
I think there's some sort of skew involved here. Here are my own quick thoughts on it.
An article that everyone agrees with sadly generates little comment and people move on. It may be hard to add more value. No one remembers the comments on those.
Articles that spark debate and polarise readers generate a lot of comments, as expected, and if you disagree with the writer then you're bound to find someone in the forum who agrees with your PoV - so suddenly comments "with more value" appear on your personal radar.
Finally, all our writers are working as fast as possible to file their thoughts and findings in a timely manner before a story dies out. They may accidentally miss something or for whatever reason neglect to make a particular point. Hours after someone made the decision to hit 'publish', a thought may occur to someone reading the article and they post a comment. Value is added in the aftermath.
Generally speaking, referring to nothing in particular, terms and conditions apply, your mileage may vary, etc.
but it was just a rant not an article. The "reviewer" instantly assumed iphone owners had slavishly upgraded everytime. Perhaps (you know) someone didnt bother upgrading to a 4(s). Or maybe they dont have an iphone at all and want to get one. Sure deals can be had for lesser models but I wouldnt want to tell people to go and get a galaxy S2 over an S3, same with most tech.
There will always be some skew, it's true. I don't generally rate the quality of comments based on whether they agree with my PoV though. Someone who makes solid points (even if I think they're wrong) counts as quality, as do those who make me spray coffee over my keyboard.
What I mean, is that I'm finding there are more and more stories published where I'm finding the comments far more interesting than the article to which they are attached. El Reg still does some great stuff, but it's beginning to get quite heavily diluted with some low quality drivel.
There's a definite skew in that a really polarising debate will draw me in, as you observe, but I do remember a time when there were decent comments on 99% of articles, largely because the quality of those articles inspired people to comment.
As an example, let's take Mr Pott. He tends to delve quite deeply into a subject, which tends to make people comment to say "Actually, you're wrong about that bit" or "Bloody hell, hadn't thought about it that way" or even "Feck, haven't seen one of those in years". Articles that actually make people think, or perhaps give them a hint of nostalgia.
Unfortunately, a lot of the content is starting to look like click-bait, or in some cases something El Reg is hoping to syndicate out to a less technically minded audience. There have been a number of stories in the past that feel the need to explain small details that surely everyone here knew.
I appreciate that writers have deadlines to keep to, and the pressure is high, but IMO El Reg is perhaps publishing less than it has in the past, yet the quality is slipping dramatically. Is it a case of can't get the staff perhaps?
Still, I'm not going to wander off just yet. Although the quality of the articles is abysmal in some cases, I do find the insights of other commentards can be quite enlightening from time to time, and there are occasionally some very good stories published.
"There have been a number of stories in the past that feel the need to explain small details that surely everyone here knew."
There lies the agonising balance between explaining too much and alienating very techy readers and filling an article with jargon and driving everyone else away. It's really, really difficult to do.
Obviously with a story about, say, an IE exploit, you know programmers will read it so you can get down to the nitty-gritty. Really depends on the story. And there shouldn't be anything wrong with expanding the readerbase. How else will we pay the bills?
Also, I'd be surprised if we're publishing less. There's something like 40-45 articles a day most of the year. Forgive us if you can't love every piece.
"Also, I'd be surprised if we're publishing less. There's something like 40-45 articles a day most of the year. Forgive us if you can't love every piece."
I had a quick tot up earlier and, including the Woz article, there were nine stories on the front page – two of which (the Woz one and this Lewis article, which I did find amusing) were also positioned on the right of the front page and in the top stories section. If you do publish 40-45 stories per day, then that’s 20% to just shy of 25% of today’s output.
I don’t expect to love every piece – I know that from reading El Reg (and have the T-shirt, got the book… well, a couple of TBOFH ones) for ten years, but there’s fatigue setting in from so many iPhone and Apple stories – not just here but every blinking site.
If the number of such stories wasn’t bad enough, it’s the content provided so many outlets – very little analysis or real news is offered. One outlet will report what another outlet said. Still, the headline will draw hits and readers will post with passion.
I got into El Reg because I liked the irrelevant style, but there was opinion and news that wasn’t so easy to come by elsewhere – it might be me looking through rose-tinted spectacles, but I don’t get that so much these days.
Speaking as an ex-hack, I don’t envy the El Reg team having to produce so many stories – but sometimes there’s a case for less being more.
Also, I'd be surprised if we're publishing less. There's something like 40-45 articles a day most of the year. Forgive us if you can't love every piece.
Perhaps then, I'm mistaken. I tend to work backwards from the front-page until I find a story I've previously visited (obviously ignoring visited links if I've opened it from the featured section 30 seconds earlier) or until I see a headline I recognise. Of course, as the front-page is no longer strictly chronological (we've all noticed certain articles being moved back up ;) ) it may be that I've been missing a bulk.
Obviously with a story about, say, an IE exploit, you know programmers will read it so you can get down to the nitty-gritty. Really depends on the story. And there shouldn't be anything wrong with expanding the readerbase. How else will we pay the bills?
I've no issue with you expanding your readerbase, but as you say there's a (difficult) balance to be struck. If you post too many simplistic articles, those of us after a serious technical read will wander off. If you make it too complex, those less technically inclined will wander off. I don't envy the task of striking that balance, but my issue is it currently seems to be tipping more towards the less technically minded in many respects.
I love when the Reg gets satirical, and will find most things amusing (or at least see the humor), but there have been a few whether I've failed to see any humor and yet there's no indication of any other value in the article.
Ah, sneaky El Reg - hiding things!
Good chance I'll never see some of those then as I tend to take a quick scan of the homepage whilst waiting for something, then read through my assortment of tabs when I get a chance. Doubt I'll find the time to scan the other landing pages to, but it does rather answer the question of "where's the content gone?"
Does buying an iPhone take away your ability to read (along with all your other critical functions)?
As Lewis said,
"Exceptions to this exist - readers tell us that in some towns and cities one need not queue for days nor order online to get hold of the latest Jesus Mobe (typically the best move is to head for a cell-operator or other reseller retail outlet, as opposed to an Apple Store)".
This article is a complete waste of space.
It is just a phone that has good and bad points. Just like any Android, Symbian or windows device.
Get over it.
On second thoughts, if we send him to Lewis there might be a sudden migration to the mainland.
What of them, its all apples fault anyway...
If they didnt continually shout so cringingly loud about their "revolutionary" 'fast' 'thinner' 'fast' 'amazing' 'revolutionary' 'fast' idevice, then they wouldn't be getting this from the media. Although, the apologists are now even more visible than before so thats no bad thing I guess.
Any company releasing something so laughably shit deserves a peg drop or 10, it just feels better when its apple.....
So... temporarily ignoring the maps 'issue' I'm not really sure how anyone could call the iphone 5 a shit smartphone.
OK, so there's no *new* amazing tech that no-one else has. So fucking what?
It's still a very good smartphone, with a good battery, camera, tons of apps (including map apps & if desperate).
It may cost a little more than an Android phone of the same spec. but since most people on here are supposed to be rich techies how does that matter? Go to the pub one less night a week and you'll easily cover the extra cost.
Seems to me that there are a load of butt-hurt trolls here just foaming at the mouth/keyboard.
My iphone 4 contract is now up, so I'm looking for a replacement - not because I *need* one, but because I would like something new and shiny to play with (a better camera would also be nice).
I'm not sure whether I'll get an iphone 5, or try-out an Android/Windows phone... but if you're the average Android mouth-breather, then maybe I should stay with the 'media apologists' since at least they only need hand-holding rather than locking-up.
Good grief, this is almost as bad as reading that cretin who writes for the Inq.
My iPhone is 2 years old, it's a 4 and I'm replacing it with a 5. My mum will then get my 4, having had my 3 for the last two years. It's time for a new phone for her, and a new phone for me. Nothing more complicated than that.
I would guess I'm not alone.
Iphone was a game changer back then. Now its just evolving, albeit slower than the Android competition in terms of new ideas and offerings.
Popped into the Apple store the other day to "have a play", with this new toy.
Nothing overwhelming or strikingly new there. Good hardware, but NOTHING NEW OR REVOLUTIONARY OR CUTTING EDGE.! It seems Apple is now playing catchup.
Get it Fanboys? You're getting a hard on over nothing, in this new i-thing.
Now go home, fanboys and have a little shag.
for such a underspecced phone, why is there so much coverage of it on the reg, you dont have this sought of coverage for any other phone of manufacturer, not even samsung.
Just admit it, if you could you would such the marrow bone out of Steve Jobgs John Thomas if he was still alive, it the only way to explain your infactuation with all things apple!
Underspecced? Erm how?
NFC would be nice - but who actually uses it? Really?
Erm... what exactly is it missing?
It's the fastest smartphone on the market at the moment (obviously give it a week and it probably won't be), it has a great battery life, great camera, 4g, beautiful screen - not huge, but then not everyone is overcompensating for their tiny penis or need glasses to see small stuff.
Just what exactly is it missing?
My Xperia S already has that, and panoramic 3D camera (12MP no less), fullHD, Retina+ display.
OK, it's not got 4G, but then where I live, I'm not going to be seeing 4G for another 5+ years.
And if I want to use Passbook instead of NFC, then I can do that too.
So why would I want a iPhone that costs double the price of my Xperia S, and has lesser specs?
"I heard the iPhone6 has NFC
My Xperia S already has that, and panoramic 3D camera (12MP no less), fullHD, Retina+ display.
OK, it's not got 4G, but then where I live, I'm not going to be seeing 4G for another 5+ years.
And if I want to use Passbook instead of NFC, then I can do that too.
So why would I want a iPhone that costs double the price of my Xperia S, and has lesser specs?"
It could be made of shite and the fannybois would still be singing it's praises. Why bother? Let them have an old mans phone. I'll stick to the one which is feature packed.
And for those fannybois who say whats NFC for? THAT WHY YOU HAVE iPHONE!
If it had NFC, it would be a selling point to you!
The point of the article is click-through, you know what el Reg and therefore Lewis get paid by advertisers for.
I'd say Lewis hit his target market rather well.
If you don't want to encourage articles like this don't click them and certainly don't comment on them.
Jeez, it's not rocket science.
people have been reporting just being able to wonder into the phone shops and pick them up straight away. The marketing induced shortage, just seems to be marketing bullshit. Tell the world there's a shortage to further hype the fire, but make sure there are plenty of phones so you can take the money. One thing that even the most ardent of Apple bashers have to agree is that when it comes to making money, few, if any companies are in their league at the moment.
Live and let live.
People who buy iPhones are not automatically 'sheep' and people who buy Androids are not automatically 'merchant bankers'. People choose the phone that best suits them - and it seems to make a few people very angry.
Imagine if this was in the street - would you walk down the road going 'you bought those f'ing trousers' and what is that heap of cr@p you are driving etc.
The real story is that Apple will make some people wait up to 5 weeks.
So thats 5 million orders and up to 5 weeks to produce them, so on the basis of them having been making them for a while before release they will not sale 50 million before the next one comes out as they can't make enough, more than 80 Million iphone 4 and iphone 4S sold, this would mean a drop of aroung 40% in sales and only just being better than 3G sales.
Now thats a story for the Reg to post........
ps who do I sned my analyst fees invoice to ?
That apparently Jobs (may he be restlessly refining heaven's technology) didn't work on the 4S at all, and spent his last months working on (what was known at the time as) the next iPhone. So... not only is this article retarded, it's also incorrect... Which is like the worst of the worst.
Apple have them sucked in.
Device iphone iphone 3g iphone 3gs iphone 4 iphone 4s iphone 5
Launch Price £269.00 £299.00 £349.00 £499.00 £499.00 £529.00
Launch Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Base model 4Gb 8Gb 8Gb 16Gb 16Gb 16Gb
Launch price is based on base model.
I believe these prices are correct.
Trivial strawman argument "everyone buying an iPhone5 does so to boost their poor self-image" to rouse the pre-supposed rabid Apple fan base; a group defined entirely by their supposed antagonists. I have read 10x more frothing anti-Apple articles than rabid pro-Apple evangelism.
Frothy pro-Google articles (as I feel equally at liberty to pre-suppose all anti-iPhone5 must be) are, on the other hand ten a penny and funded by Googles cuddly map elves who are now all out of a job.
.. I'll buy the 4S off you. At a bargain price, of course. I need a spare.
From 3GS to 4S was well worth it. And that phone does everything I need, so why on earth would I buy a new one? As for Android, mwah. Got one, don't use it. I may look again after the new Android release is out and stable, but for the moment, the 4S with iOS6 works for me.
This is a new low for The Register, to call it drivel, would be unkind to drivel.. Something around "dismal, pointless toss", maybe.
I don't care which small willy insecure gadget camp someone does or doesn't come from, this doesn't constitute journalism or even entertainment. Even Ms. Leach usually manages better than this, which is not a compliment.
Why have NFC when you have Passbook?
Why have bigger screen when you have ipad/or any other tablet?
Why have plastic when you can have aliminum?
seriously its about personal preference and since launch iphone has never been the highest spec or even most reliable, but the Rolls Royce vs Buggatti argument is a similar compariosn
Trouble is we all look for fault (Achilles heel syndrome) in the heroes and leaders in innovation
Yes they dont invent but they do make your £500 invest look and feel like £500 well spent