Re: Move House
I was brought up in the countryside, as that’s where the farming jobs my father did were. There were no other children my age in the village, and there were no busses to use to visit friends or to go to college. Also there were no shops or recreational facilities, so I know the sense of rural isollation from first hand experience.
Now, with the lack of any jobs in villages (other than the farmers who cannot afford to employ offspring let alone any-one else) rural isolation is even more intense. For young people there is little or no chance of having a social life outside of the web, with the lack of public transport, and the cost of car insurance and fuel making independence unaffordable.
For many rural children the internet is the only way of having a semi-normal social life. It is only fair that with the lack of other opportunites for rural youth, that the one that is available (the internet) is presented in a reasonable way, and that means at least at the governments own low speed target.
I perhaps ought to state that I am Deputy-President of the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs in addition to working at the bleeding edge of electronics and communications, so I am in a fairly unique position to know exactly what I am talking about on this subject!