The thought of The Reg handing out Apple!! products makes me feel dirty on the inside.
Luckily I'm not above getting a little muddy! ^_^
We took a while to make it official, but The Register has opened an Asia-Pacific bureau based in Australia. To celebrate – and drum up an email list worthy of our soon-to-launch all-Australian newsletter - we want to give our Australian readers a ‘New iPad’. Our new bureau has our first-ever full time APAC Editor, long-time …
Not at all impressed by the suggested names for your southern edition, bland and uninspiring.
Perhaps "The Wedgie" would be a better name. It reminds one of that other great bird that feeds as much on carrion as live prey, the Wedgetail Eagle and that "fun" game of grabbing the back of someone's jocks and pulling them up high.
Sorry, but "El Wedge" sounds a bit kiwi, doesn't it?
We could try to take a leaf out of the old Japanese TV advert - can't rememebr the product, but the Australian reporter to HO was Mr Ockamura, who failed to report because he was enjoying the delights of sun, sand, surf and girls on Bondi beach. I seem to recall that his NZ colleague was Mr Kiwimura, but that didn't work as well.
Is OckaReg too bogan?
At least we haven't got Wayne, Julia or Penny as reporters.
If this K1W1 could vote, he'd vote twice for this suggestion. I came to the comments specifically to suggest Rego, delighted to see that it's already been mentioned. Not sure about the implication in the article, and in the comments, that Kiwis are also antipodeans, but never mind. At least we won't be to blame for whichever boring, insipid, unimaginative handle the Australian branch ends up getting yclept, if that list of options is final. We'll just carry on having our news told by Aussies on the rare occasions they remember we're here. Same old same old, in other words.
Thanks Stuart. I have been reading The Rego for years now, but I just had to comment on the terrible names on that List.
I was going to go the other way where Aussies usually shorten peoples names too, and maybe suggest just "Reg". But Reg is this shifty guy I know down the pub who, if you give him the nod, can get you a TV "at the right price" and insists thats it is not dodgy and came "off the back of a truck" , and I don't think this reputable publication would want to be associated with or mistaken for the other Reg, so Rego seems perfect.
When I saw 'new ipad' in inverted commas, my first thought was that it would effectively be a large post-it note pad with "ipad" scrawled across the top (keeping in mind this is The Register we're talking about. But the reference to 'fondleslab' made me realise the article is in fact referencing something much, much less desirable.
Maybe the prize should be billed as "whatever you can get for selling an iPad on ebay"?
Can we now get the UK site when we enter .co.uk at the end of the address?
I like Australia.. Was living there till June.. But when I key a .uk site I do not want some "clever" web server giving me localised stories in the antipodes. I want UK stories when I key UK! (I guess I can use an anonymiser but.. WTF!!!)
The West Islands now has their own site hooray!
Congratulations and best wishes of course, but please note the following:
I've often picked up articles from your Australian correspondents via a headline on the RSS feed and later found that the article is not listed on your main front page. I hope that was a temporary situation and they will be fully incorporated into El Reg from now on.
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