These are the blooper reel entrants right?
Reg readers serve up bacon sarnie amuse-bouche
The deadline for submissions to El Reg's ultimate bacon sarnie photo challenge has now passed, and we're preparing a pinnacle of pork perfection potlatch of participants for the pabulous public poll. However, I'm on holiday this week, and probably up to my 'nads in some improbable excavation project, so you'll have to hang …
Friday 21st September 2012 09:49 GMT bonkers
Wouldn't that make it, sort of, more difficult to eat?
Anyway, I missed the competition, but here's mine - BLT sushi:
a tortilla /burrito thing, with bacon rashers sliced into strips, shredded lettuce and tomato, mayonnaise, carefully rolled into a spiral, pinned with a couple of cocktails sticks then chilled. Then you slice it into 8mm sushi slices.
Friday 21st September 2012 08:17 GMT Graeme Hayes
Please Stop !!
I live in a land where pork products are strictly verboten. Please cease and desist this talk of bacon butties with immediate effect. My mouth is watering and I can't sample the wares !!
By the way, the best bacon buttie is made with nice thick local smoked back bacon, Warburton's Breakfast Loaf, butter and a smidgin of Heinz tomato ketchup............
Saturday 22nd September 2012 00:47 GMT Captain DaFt
Re: Is there any other kind
""tomato ketchup"
Is there any other kind of ketchup? or is "tomato ketchup" brought to us by the Department of Redundancy Department."
There is such a thing as banana ketchup, and there's a sauce made from fish that's also called ketchup, but neither is very popular outside of Asian countries.
Friday 21st September 2012 15:29 GMT Robert Helpmann??
Re: Please Stop !!
That's... just... terrible!
I know these are not the same and are in no way intended to replace the original and awesome goodness that is real bacon from a real pig, but fried crispiness can be otherwise obtained from the following:
- Beef bacon. I have had it and enjoyed it. Again, not the same as pork bacon, but not at all bad.
- Turkey bacon. No. just, no.
- Gribenes. Fried chicken skins. This works surprisingly well on sandwiches. Other poultry skins may be used, especially duck.
Good luck!
Friday 21st September 2012 08:21 GMT GrumpyJoe
I have a friend in Spain
Girona, says the bacon there isn't up to snuff like UK bacon - so he uses Chorizo instead (BLASPHEMY!). Any comment on the quality of the bacon used in any Spanish tests?
I normally put up with supermarket but dislike the white discharge (water and salts, I know). I'll get the steam up soon to go straight to a butchers and get a proper sliceage.
Friday 21st September 2012 08:39 GMT Richard 81
Re: I have a friend in Spain
"Any comment on the quality of the bacon used in any Spanish tests?"
If it's anything like the bacon they had at hotel I stayed at in Majorca, it's bad. Imagine someone took a whole load of vaguely bacon like bits of meat, pressed them into a block glued together with fat, smoked it and cut it into thin uniform slices. It's like a sausage pretending to be bacon.
Friday 21st September 2012 08:49 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: I have a friend in Spain
Does your friend ask for bacon by pointing to it and grunting? If so I wouldn't be surprised that he gets duff bacon. That withstanding, as he prefers chorizo over even duff bacon his taste buds are probably buggered and unreliable.
All the bacon I've had in Spain has been top quality stuff and I've never had any that had even the slightest bit of that white stuff.
Friday 21st September 2012 10:02 GMT Dom 3
Re: I have a friend in Spain
I lived there a few years. "Beicon" in the butchers was streaky, kindof, with bits of bone in. You could get Oscar Mayer American-style streaky in the supermarkets.
Most visits to the UK I would come back with a slab of good quality thick cut back which would go in the freezer.
Meanwhile... may I recommend a bit of lime pickle in your bacon sarnie?
Friday 21st September 2012 08:36 GMT EddieD
You bastards.
I was trying to be good, and settle for a nice fruit based breakfast, but now I'm going to have to send out for a butty.
And the annoying thing is, the local buttyery isn't very good, so I'll be slightly disappointed - until the market, tomorrow...
And bacon - egg - black pudding butty? You beauty!
Friday 21st September 2012 11:26 GMT lawndart
Re: You bastards.@Matt Hamilton
When I used to visit uni friends at Aberystwyth it was mandatory to stop off in Machynlleth by the clocktower on the way home and pop into William Lloyd-Williams the butcher to stock up on what was possibly the best pork pies in the world. Never tried their bacon or BP, but if the other products were like the pies...
I mentioned them to one of the ex-uni friends a year or so ago and was told that the shop had gone, but the internet begs to differ. The only problem now is the 150 miles separating house and shop.
Friday 21st September 2012 17:38 GMT Will Godfrey
Horror Story
These evil, corrupt examples are all so utterly wrong. None even remotely resemble a bacon sarnie. They are cremated pig plus some culinary abortion disguised by an (arguably) grass seed based covering.
A bacon sarnie consists of precisely two things. Lightly cooked, but well cured bacon, and white 'farmhouse' bread from stone-ground wheat.
Saturday 22nd September 2012 14:57 GMT Andus McCoatover
Re: Horror Story
Agree but.. (butty?) Although you forgot to mention that the bread (home-made, natch) absolutely HAS to be firstly used to soak up the bacon fat! How else d'ya think you'll earn EL. REG's. 'heart-attack-comentard-winner-of-the year' competition? I thought that was Lester's 'cunning plan' to lighten his workload....
T'yack. Yoof of today....
Saturday 22nd September 2012 15:13 GMT Andus McCoatover
First: pickles are an essential accompaniment. Masks the 'old beer' smell of last nights (early mornings?) excess.
Second are grease-stains, when you've wiped the fat off your fingers down your business suit, rather than be sober enough to use a paper towel. Then, everyone knows you're a serious 'butty-guzzler'. RESPECT!!!!