back to article Gigantic Roman bathtime-fun mosaic found under Turkish field

Bone-bothering boffins have uncovered a massive Roman mosaic in southern Turkey, proving that the ancient Empire's influence reached far into the area. Roman mosaic uncovered in Turkey The humungous mosaic, uncovered by a farmer in his field next to a still-standing bathing structure, is 1,600 square feet of meticulously …


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  1. Graham Marsden

    "Buried treasure, me hearties! Darr, there be no gold here"

    Is this merely a co-incidence or because today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties?

    1. Goldmember

      Re: "Buried treasure, me hearties! Darr, there be no gold here"

      Check out the sub headings on all of today's stories, matey.


      1. Graham Marsden

        @Goldmember - Re: "Buried treasure, me hearties! Darr, there be no gold here"

        Arrr, well that be because I'd not seen those when I'd posted me comment, me bucko!

    2. Steve Taylor 3

      Re: "Buried treasure, me hearties! Darr, there be no gold here"

      But that's not Somali *or* Thai!

  2. lawndart

    That's Cap'n lawndart to you, cully.

    No gold? No gold is it now?

    Now ye may be talkin' like a pirate, but youse isn't thinkin' like one, is ye?

    I mean, a nice mosaic like this, very pretty it is too, twould be a shame if sommat unfortunate like happened to it, wouldn't it be?

    Some seadog could accidentally run a couple of nine-pounders over it and do all sorts of mischief to the tilin' with their trucks.

    What do ye say to two thousand up front and a hunner'd-fifty a day?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: That's Cap'n lawndart to you, cully.

      See the Asterix books for one answer - I imagine more likely is something on the line of "What do you say to a cohort of legionaries using you for pilum practice? The lads could do with a laugh."

      1. perlcat

        Re: That's Cap'n lawndart to you, cully.

        Yarrr. O' Course there be no gold, matey!

        Me ol' pals Long John and Mouldy Todger buried all of it. Yarrr.

        Ye not be knowin' of the ways of ye pirates and piratical lore.

  3. Pete 2 Silver badge

    There goes the neighbourhood

    > The city held all the typical wonders of the ancient Roman world: temples, baths, markets

    I wonder if the natives from that part of Turkey viewed the ubiquitous architecture of the roman empire in the same way that people today view the encroachment of "western" culture: McDonalds, shopping malls and multi-storey car-parks.

    Did they welcome it as a civilising influence and added amenities, or just as more bloody commercialisation that was pushing out the local influences?

    1. SoaG

      Re: There goes the neighbourhood

      Clearly a question to be answered by the PFoJ. Or perhaps those splitters in the JPF.

    2. Michael Dunn

      Re: There goes the neighbourhood

      Methinks the quotes in your post should really go round the word "culture" rather than western; after all these barbarities did come from the west!

  4. Neil Barnes Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    What did the Romans ever do for us?

    Well, apart from the roads, and the plumbing, and the viniculture, oh, and some rather nice mosaics...

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: What did the Romans ever do for us?

      A particular shape of nose?

    2. Elmer Phud
      Thumb Down

      Re: What did the Romans ever do for us?

      'Kin rabbits, that's what!

  5. andy k O'Croydon

    Antiochia ad Cragnum

    Is that where the Holy Hand Grenade was forged?

    1. harmjschoonhoven

      Re: Antiochia ad Cragnum

      The Holy Hand Grenade was invented by Kallinikos in Lycia, southeastern Anatolia in the year 6163 since the creation.

      Edward N. Luttwak, The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Enpire, page 324.

  6. K
    IT Angle

    Umm wheres the IT Angle?

    Have they also found some ancient alien computing technology? Was the mosaic printer on some early Dot-Matrix printer?..

    1. Pete 2 Silver badge

      Re: Umm wheres the IT Angle?

      Dot matrix printer? No, but some of them look suspiciously like QR codes

    2. hplasm

      Re: Umm wheres the IT Angle?

      Dot Matrix? I have a vewwy good friend in Wome called Dot Matrix!

      Thwow him to the florw, Centuwion!

      1. davyclam
        Thumb Up

        Re: Umm wheres the IT Angle?

        Stwike him, Centuwion, vewy woughly.

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Avast - perchance I be mistaken, but did not tha height o' tha empire be takin' place in thar one hundreds and two hundreds, particul-arrr-ly in its extents, matey?

    1. hplasm



    2. Heathroi

      t'was a foul wind that blew no good from 235-285AD when Alexander Severus was sent to Davy Jones's Locker.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    shiny thing land

    wonder how many 'wonders of the ancient world' were lost forever in the british isles before archeology was invented? I bet everything was smashed to bits and lost as people searched for gold and jewels.

  9. disgruntled yank Silver badge

    " proving that the ancient Empire's influence reached far into the area"

    Golly, next they'll be finding squash courts in Pakistan. Who'd a thunk it?

  10. launcap Silver badge


    >proving that the ancient Empire's influence reached far into the area.

    Was there ever any doubt? It's well known that Rome conquered that area fairly early on and it stayed Roman right up until it came part of the Byzantine Empire

  11. Alfred Pimble

    about the "ancient Empire's influence"

    The area was actually in the heart of the Roman empire, which at that time (and for many years after) was run from Constantinople (or New Rome).

    The empire's second and third cities were Alexandria (in today's Egypt) and Antioch, which was actually just along the coast from this part of Asia Minor. Rome was long gone, overrun by goths.

    However much I like reading this sort of story, perhaps El Reg should stick to IT if your hacks are going to be surprised by things which are actually quite normal and expected?

    1. Corinne

      Re: about the "ancient Empire's influence"

      Article says "middle of the first century". Assuming that at least this much is correct, you're a fair bit out date-wise as Rome was very much the centre of the Empire in the middle of the first century. Constantinople was founded by Constantine, who (from rather shaky memory) was some time in the middle of the FIFTH century. Middle of the first was about the time Vespasian was tramping up & down what's now Britain quelling revolts from the natives.

      1. Alfred Pimble

        Re: about the "ancient Empire's influence"

        City founded middle of first - remains date to third and fourth, just when Byzantium became the New Roma (in the first quarter of the fourth century. Yes, when the city was founded, Rome was strong, when the baths were built, the city was slap bang in the real core of the empire. Nice capitalisation of WRONG INFORMATION.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: about the "ancient Empire's influence"

      "Rome was long gone, overrun by goths."

      Kind of like my high school in the mid '90s.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    not so surprising, further...

    ... my father comes from a little village near diyarbakir (rather south and a bit eastish)and I remember him saying that tesserae made regular appearances from the ground. Locals always suspected something roman beneath.

    Archaeo-types, start your engines. And 'ware ancient magics...

  13. RonWheeler

    And Turkey is a great place to drive too!

    Why not drive there, and before you do read our review of some overspecced gimmick-infested 4-wheeler we want to peddle to a targeted male 30/40-something demographic.

    The Reg, slowly turning into slashdot but with more paid advertorials.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mosaics Pic Too Small

    Kindly, where are larger perspective photos? i.e., source for article? Thanks!

  15. Carronade1

    Hardy har har...

    "There be no gold there"!!! Thanks for the funny headline and blisterin'barnacles, some people should learn how to use a boat more properly if we're to keep finding more of these relics.

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