If you like clouds you should expect them to rain every now and then......as you are not God you have no control.
Apple's iCloud online storage service has been on the blink for 15 hours according to its status page. Fanbois relying on Cupertino's idiot-tax outfit to provide their email have been unable to send or access messages for more than half a day. The iPhone maker stresses that only 1.1 percent of users have been affected by the …
1.1% of Apple's user base is quite a lot of folk.
I rely on Redmond's idiot-tax outfit and I lost my SkyDrive service for a few hours a couple of weeks back - these things happen. It's a "free" service, we're not paying (up-front) for the massive redundancy that industry requires, so every now and again we'll be cut off. I just don't rely on such things.
Who backsup the backups...
This post has been deleted by its author
I've never saw a fanboi (using your words) say something like "I'll buy it for any price since it is from Apple"
I have. Also many variations on the "shut up and take my money" theme. Announce a product with a largely redundant screen resolution or that iTV thing they keep blathering about and watch it happen.
I saw it tonight on the BBC World. A rough approximation of the interview went as follows:
Q: Are you waiting in the queue to buy a new iPhone?
A: Yes
Q: Do you know how much it will cost?
A No.
Q: Do you know how big the screen will be?
A No.
Q: Do you know what new features there will be?
A: No
Q: Did you buy the new phone last March?
A: yes
Q: If they sell a new version next March would you buy it?
A Probably
I live in Britain, I see more than enough clouds already. One fewer doesn't really matter to me.
Incidentally, I'm so sick of this "cloud" marketoid BS. Nobody would use them if you called them what they really are, ie "Storage you have no control over, might lose access to at any time, and which any unscrupulous employee of the service provider can snoop on their lunch break, or which can get hax0r'd by some punk in Papua New Guinea"
A bit of a mouth full, admittedly, but more honest.
Noone in marketing is going to call the cloud what it is. Can you imagine?
Punter: "So what's this Cloud then?"
SalesDrone: "It's basically online storage tarted up a bit."
P: "Oh I see. No thanks, I'm pretty sure 'the Cloud' has come free from my broadband provider for the last 10 years and I haven't used it."
It's as if 'finding storage space on a server somewhere' never happened.
How old is Flickr and stuff like that?
I remember punting about looking for the best free email service with the most personal storage - they were all beating each other up trying to grab punters.
Pre-broadband, even.
(Well, pre-consumer BBand)
Oh ffs. At the risk of rising to troll-bait, I've had enough. Throwing in a phrase like "Fanbois relying on Cupertino's idiot-tax outfit" isn't objective reporting. OK, so their cloud stuff has gone down - probably because of a total horlicks associated with change deployment for new functionality, "magically" due for release later. The fact that they've stiffed up some changes isn't new, novel, or unique. If you've used Amazon, Microsoft (hotmail), Google et al - you'll already know that this shit happens. Its not good, and someone might need an arse kicking - but its not unique to apple. For fucks sake, if you used GoDaddy for services, you've probably have had sod all service over the last few days. Does that merit their customers getting a slagging from a barely coherent El Reg staffer?
El Reg - if you fancy yourselves as a little more up-market than Gizmodo, try and raise yourself above their game. And Dear Ms Leach. Piss off back under your bridge, will you? There's a good troll...
Let me guess, you believe what Apple tells you when you happily lick the latest product you bought from them? I used to be a mac user for over 15 years and I saw enough delusional fanbois to know that they let Apple get away with everything. It's never Apple's fault, but if Apple did something wrong *gasp* there's always someone else to blame for it, or someone else who did it MUCH worse. Like you are saying now.
Apple pretends to be above everyone else, so of course they should be called out when their propagand fails.
Hang around Mac or iOS user forums and you'll find plenty of users criticising Apple for daft decisions or operational cock-ups. It's you who are producing the crass over-generalisations. The question is whether calling people who use Apple kit "Fanbois relying on Cupertino's idiot-tax outfit" is accurate, insightful, funny ... or just a daft insult.
FWIW iCloud mail is apparently down for me and has been all morning, luckily I don't actually use the account for anything.
Well, this comment is more a description of roving Apple fans than Apple itself. In fact, considering numerous staff have mentioned they love their mac books, and other statements that are made to get you all bent out of shape, I'd ask, do you need a cup of coffee?
It gives me a chuckle, as paying twice as much for a computer to do the same thing on one that requires half the price is, well, an idiotic choice, but I'm sure the Apple fanbase can argue how every single one of them are web designers or "graphic artists" and that only their mac can do what they need to do.
Have a cup of Java, enjoy little exaggerations, and carry on being the daily BOFH.
This is in no way aimed at any cloud service, but at the premise alone.. Clouds are destined to be a pile of cack, centralisation means that one error effects everyone and in my experience centralisation like this actually means that the effective run time of any of the drives is amplified and the MTBF from a user perspective massively reduced, their "solutions" introduce multiple points of failure above a simple desktop. Not only this, I have to pay money to a Telco to access my own information - simply ludicrous. My PC has been fault free for as long as I can remember and I keep backups of my work (code, emails, financials). I am only at the mercy of my SMTP provider and I have multiple of those as another backup.. Why would I EVER want to share ANYTHING with a massive corporation that can be hacked, have disgruntled employees, snoop on my photos or location, god forbid "innovate" my work and patent it before me.
Cloud is for vein teenagers that want to show the world how pretty, stupid and lazy they are that they be bothered or simply can't work out how to copy files from their camera and upload them.
You don't honestly think that they run something like that on a single server do you? It will be on a distributed cluster of machines spread across multiple data centres. Multiple devices could fail and the service will continue like nothing happened. Chances are that it's a much more reliable system than your ISP's mail server, and most folk can't be bothered with setting up their own domain and mail server infrastructure.
At that level of complexity you're going to get the occasional partial outage due to things like software upgrades or network failures. Annoying, but hardly the end of the world.
Personally I put faith in the iCloud services as I believe that they are the most integrated service available today. I've been through various other options over the last 29 years of using tech and I haven't see anything that comes close.
Anna - What service would you suggest I use instead? Royal Mail?
A hologram of crApple's Peve Sods has announced crApples latest iProduct, iMail
In the prolefeed, Sod's hologram described iMail as a paradigm shift for the iFodder iUsers of crApple iProducts and will the new iParadine for email services, Sods said that one of the defining iFeatures of iMail is that it may be unfast or double plus ungood available. When iMail is plusavailable, users may experience delays wait an iTernity for incoming messages. Normal service will be restored ASAP (Available Service on Android Products).