The Key Missing Factor is Trust and Quality
Notwithstanding Alibaba's outstanding success with it's product sourcing search engine, Chinese products cannot be trusted, either for quality or integrity.
I'm not concerned about Chinese backdoors in networking equipment - the US NSA already has plenty of backdoors in US equipment (which is made in China) and software but rather their software integrity and whether can be trusted to behave like an international enterprise should.
China has two quality standards: home and export. Some of the products destined for the home market are pure garbage. Yet, often from the very same 'garbage' factories emanate some world class products. A walk around any of the electronic malls you find in all major cities you can see both extremes.
The Chinese playing field is not level, even for it's own manufacturers, and you never know which large Chinese corporation is bending the rules on government instruction or as a result of bribes.
No, even though Alibaba uses an international OS, I rather stick with the devils I know than stick my neck in China's wok.