Re: You are wrong: Correct me if I am wrong, please
What I see is a bot war:
DMCABot: Takedown XYZ or face the wrath of lawyerz!
SiteBot: Asset right or license to enforce XYZ, please.
DMCABot: XYZ right under license from ABC Productions Inc. Our signed public key, our signed rights-license key, or signed site authority.
SiteBot: Accepted keys. We are asserting fair use under international copyright laws for review, critique or satirical purposes.
DMCABot: Please assert rights to fair use with signed keys, included all files included in such assertion, their duration, time of upload and incorporating author(s)
SiteBot: What...all of them?
DMCABot: Yes! All of them dammit!
SiteBot: Umm...this is a movie website; that's going to be a big list. A very big list.
DMCABot: No matter. You must comply. Comply!
SiteBot: Initiation 1TB metadata dump from TimeWarner, signed begins....
Repeat ad nauseum. The only people who will win here are the lawyers and vendors or "IP" protection. Not that "IP" really exists anyway; it's three rather separate systems and they should not be conflated like that.
I have no issue at all with rights holder asserting said rights. And I also accept that mistakes will happen. But the rights-holders must recompense for those mistakes and try to improve their detection. What is funny is that the more the rights-holders tighten their grip, the more it pushes people underground; never mind the exorbitant cost of such automated systems and the collateral damage they cause.
So to avoid the counter suits, penalties and jail time; I have a proposal. Simply stop taking the fucking piss.
See that DVD? I bought that DVD I did. I may wish to host it on my own media server for my own user (or transcode it or...). See that games CD? I bought it and would like to play the game without always needing the CD or an always-on connection. See that music CD? I bought that, I do not expect it to launch and attack on my PC. See that download? I bought it, why can't I copy it from one device to another? (Oh, and did you pay the artist the sales fee or the license fee? I bet you just paid the cheaper one, not the correct one.) See that recorded TV program? I pay for the sub to that channel, why can't I stream it to my PC? See that catch-up site? I pay the sub to the channel, why is it blocking content from me? See that Blu-ray? Well you can't because I don't own one for the simple reason your ass-hat restrictions make it hard for me to use. Not impossible, just more bother than it is worth.
All these are barriers to my use after I have given you my money. So what is a person to do? I see two options:
1) Do not consume. Only buy from people/place you respect your rights as a consumer and do not treat you like a criminal; and/or
2) Buy the legit copy/Subscribe to the legit service, but then use an infringing site because the standard of customer service is much better.
Yes, I have no doubt that if the restrictions were lifted that infringement would sky-rocket and many studios go to the wall. So what? The economy will simply re-normalise with a new market dynamic, fair prices being paid but probably less "big players" (boo-hoo, my heart bleeds). You can bet the scribes were pretty pissed when the printing press came along. Same thing now.
Having your sock-puppets pass laws so you can treat your paying customers like criminals and further entrench dying business models, create utter dross like "Total Recall" and hype it to death in a vain attempt to recoup the costs (because you know in a fair market it would die) is not the way to go at all. All it does is piss people off and look for ways around it because it prevents them making fair use of what they have bought.
In point of fact, you are causing your customers to criminalise themselves!
But, of course, it is much, much more serious than that. With the encroaching attempts to track people on-line and spy on what they are doing, you drive more onto the likes of the Darknet, TOR etc. You drive people to think of ways to completely obfuscate what they are up to. Tools that could be put to much more devious use by others with more malicious aims. Tools which only came about because you drove your customers into creating demand for them.
Rant ends.