Morale down ?
Don't worry! Those lads in China and India are ready to pick up the slack and they don't seem to be affected by morale problems.
HP has added an extra two thousand workers to its mass redundancy programme, it confirmed today. Back in May the troubled US tech titan threatened to axe 27,000 jobs by the end of fiscal 2014 to cut overheads and use some of the savings to invest in R&D. However, in a 10Q form filed today with US financial watchdog SEC, HP …
HP's online store is terrible. I just ordered another server from Dell because they have the configurator in there and I don't have to wait for sales reps to get me quotes and stuff like that. When HP's online store will work I will consider them. It still blows my mind how a company with HPs resources cannot get together such a (relatively) simple task like creating an online store that works.
another X thousands job cuts at HP.
Same goes for acquisitions ... Hardly any scoop here as the HP budget exercise has always gone this way:
- positive = another acquisition
- negative = another round of layoffs
So each quarter would exhibit one of those ...
Interesting Wikilink here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_acquisitions_by_Hewlett-Packard
Shame the same doesn't exist for layoffs ...
HP believe that Europe is over regulated. I contend that most of the world is under regulated. You know fair wages, working conditions, severance. Of course, the corporations hate all of those. They'd rather we'd be indentured servants, much like Americans will become if Romney/Ryan win, although I believe the likelihood of that is decreasing.
Totally incompetent managment has caused the downfall of HP who was once a great company. The loss of 29,000 more jobs sure won't help the worldwide economic picture as tens of thousands of other jobs are being lost weekly. This is a really bad economic situation getting even worse for many.
This is just a symptom of something that is happening in most developed countries. Good quality jobs are going to the developing economies. It has been happening for twenty years or more and it is going to carry on happening until an equilbrium is reached. Those jobs are not coming back. HP is mirroring what is happening in the global economy, and are aheadof the curve of the other "western" IT services companies. It is just that the likes of IBM , Oracle and Accenture are just a lot more stealthy about their workforce changes.
I agree, this is probably because they have found out that more people want to leave than expected..which in the current climate is unbelievable, but true.
Its a death spiral, less people = lower quality = less customers = less revenue = less people and so on, to blame it solely on industry conditions is BS. Companies like HP are forcing the trend in insourcing as customers are sick of poor quality.
Also, still no mention of where these 'savings' are going to be invested ?
Keep a close eye on your pension pots HP guys. HP execs will be rubbing their hands together to do a Robert Maxwell.