back to article Health Dept teases suppliers with mega NHS systems cash windfall

The Department of Health has issued a pre-tender for a framework agreement contract to provide an electronic staff record system and pension scheme administration services. Suppliers will be bidding for a lucrative contract beginning in 2014. A notice in the Official Journal of the European Union indicates that there will be a …


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  1. Anonymous Coward


    Yet another duplicate public sector admin scheme. Given the vast range of different and non-compatible pension admin systems already being used by the public sector, somebody, somewhere must (on the basis of some form of distribution) have a system that is robust, simple, effective and cheap?

    But let's go and buy a new one anyway.

    A bit like payroll services, where the NHS has a million and one different systems and providers, in addition to all the different ones managed by other public sector fiefdoms,

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good luck

    Is this another one where all you have to do is get full commitment from all stakeholders across multiple trusts, hospitals, surgeries etc and then migrate all their data into the brand new system ? Ideally with no business change.

    Well at least public sector organisations usually masters of requirements management and change control...

    Surely the way to make this a real success is to use SAP ?


  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dear NHS

    Please, please, please write a full specification this time before you hand over any cash, or get people to start work on this.

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      Re: Dear NHS

      Please, please, please write a full specification this time before you hand over any cash, or get people to start work on thi


      And seriously.

  4. Hyphen

    FFS... the DH are clearly bored now the theatrics of their near-bankruptcy of CSC are over. Time to send another company bust?

    (actually, let's hope Crapita bids - I would harbour no negative feelings for them losing £fucktonnes)

  5. Qu Dawei

    Dar God, No!

    Not another project that, judging by previous efforts, I predict will be doomed to failure after becoming a money-pit for pricvate companies who continue to fail to deliver yet still get awarded contracts. Surely the idiots in charge of this initiative should have learned something by now!

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