Personally I would start offloading the Facebook shares as soon as possible....
but still, $300million isn't bad...
Instagram founder Kevin Systrom is totally "psyched" to see his company merge with Facebook, even after the deal ended up being much lower than the initial $1bn price tag initially offered by Mark Zuckerberg. The value of the buyout has tumbled because when Systrom agreed to Facebook's acquisition proposal back in April this …
> Buys another zero revenue company for a lot of money. How do they do that?
Maybe with your pension fund dosh?
I hope I don't feel their pinch-ons on my funds...
GODS, it would be really awesome to have an idea that makes a product (not a "product") that commands a following and generates even just a few million$ a year.... But with vastly fewer bodies on the payroll. Just imagine their monthly burn rate on wages, salaries, benefits... And all the real estate and furniture leasing, plus those cafes, rec centers, shuttle buses...
Hell, fb probably could have invested in Sharp had they had a crystal ball. Maybe fb could invest in Sharp, then Apple in turn invests in the two of them and milks them both? Oh, wait... Don't wanna give any ideas, hahahaha (besides, it might be funny to see Apple take a huge investment chunk in a company ms hugely invested in, only to spar with ms, tho a few years back ms invested in Apple to avoid the risk/appearance of destroying a small but growing competitor.)
Its gambling with other peoples money. Hoping that other people are stupid enough to keep piling cash into a 'pension fund' which they can keep gambling on stupid ideas with no value in the hope that if they are seen to put money in some other mug will put more in and then they can sell the worthless paper for more than they bought it. Its worse than the old fashioned chain-mails that went around because it is even less intelligent..
What a con and governments like the UK's are FORCING people into funding it. I ask you, the Conservatives vehemently opposed the opening of 'super casinos' because they would encourage gambling but FORCE people to have a pension scheme which is exactly gambling.... I guess though it is gambling which they as current share holders and board members stand to make a packet from.
Hieronymus Howerd, you sound like a Pension Fund manager....
Most people don't read the small print you know and most people don't have the time. It's like EULAs, no-one reads them and you have to accept them if you want to use X product that you are basically forced to because they have a monopoly or whatever to you don't have a real choice. Also you can't expect the average person to understand small print and legal speak and Pension Schemes.