Re: Re: I really don't care what Anonymous thinks
Oh dear, Mark 65 is still failing to acknowledge the obvious.
"....Politicos listen to ideas that suit them and their realise what totally duplicitous worthless fucks most of them are...." OK, that should make them even easier to deal with seeing as you think they have no scruples. By your reckoning, their key concern is getting re-elected, so if you can get enough people in their constituency to voice support for your idea then the politicos will take it up with alacrity.
But thererin lies the rub. The Anonyputzs' ideals just don't appeal outside their tiny group of basement dwellers. What does the Anons stand for? Well, one Anon "ideal" is not paying for movies/music/software. Problem is the majority just view that as theft, they think artists, coders, movie, recording and software companies should get paid something for their efforts. In fact, like a lot of the Anon whining, it smacks of the old Communist mantra of "all property is theft", and we know just how popular that wasn't. People that actually work for their livings don't tend to feel sympathy for those that sit around on their arses and expect everything given to them on a plate. Dressing up internet vandalism as "concern" about security? Puh-lease, it just comes across as vandalism. Face it, the biggest problem with the Anons is their lack of a coherent agenda with popular appeal.