back to article US energy lab's pump-happy petaflopper goes green

The US Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory has hooked up with HP, Intel, and partners to design a new hybrid supercomputer and an energy-efficient data center wrapper for it that will – among other green gains – use the exhaust heat from the supercomputer to heat adjacent offices. After all, when you're …


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  1. Poor Coco
    Thumb Down


    “Hammond says that the data center will have no mechanical chillers and will only use evaporative cooling, which is a choice you can make in the dry Colorado air.”

    Ah, so instead of using electricity, they are using scarce water. Brilliant.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hmmmmm

      Two words: water cycle.

      1. John H Woods

        Re: Hmmmmm

        @AC - water=power unless you collect it from rainfall.

        1. Pooka

          Re: Hmmmmm

          Thanks. Got Tank Girl stuck in my head now.....

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