back to article Report: Nokia to join Qi party with wireless-charging Lumia 920

Nokia's next phones will have wireless charging, claims The Verge, and the Finns are joining the Qi camp in the increasingly polarised battle for over wireless standards. The Verge claims to have leaked specifications for Nokia's flagship Lumia 920 handset, revealing that it will have Qi-compatible wireless charging and a 4.5- …


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  1. ByeLaw101

    Wireless charging?

    Like on the HP Pre3 and TouchPad? That's one of the reasons I still have my Pre3... very convenient :)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wireless charging?

      It was a handy feature. But what everyone is struggling with now is which standard to adopt. The touchstone charger is bound to be proprietary and can't be used for multiple different devices.

      If you look at the coil in the phone it's quite large, another reason why this feature hasn't become widespread yet.

  2. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

    Mr Tesla would be proud...

    1. dotdavid

      To be honest, from what little I know of the man, I reckon he'd be disappointed.

  3. Select * From Handle


    Apple just need to add wireless charging to their iPhone 5. Patent it and then sue Samsung and now Nokia...

    Troll face for obvious reasons.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....

      Trolling or just astonishing prescience?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So....

      Nope the iPhone 6 will have a different one, incompatible with everyone else's after and costing 5x the price; team up with Samsung or Nokia, methinks not.

  4. frank ly


    Is the tussle over standards to do with firmly held technical beliefs about the superiority of one over the other; or is it to do with owning patents that are essential to a particular standard? Just wondering.

    1. Eddy Ito

      Re: Reasons....

      It's likely a combination of the two so call it firmly held technical beliefs about the superiority of owned patents.

      Fortunately I think Apple will sit this one out as they already have a patent they can standardize around in this area. Hmm, is that chuckling I hear in the background?

  5. Steve Foster

    Hang on a moment

    I've been misled. Based on the headline, I thought this was going to be a story about how our National Treasure & Technology God, Stephen Fry, would be using Nokia's last gasp on a little-known BBC2 show...

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Meh, Lumia

    No thanks. I don't give a crap about lumia, even if it is now sporting 2011 specs.

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