About values and spin
I remember when Jobs died, there was some quote going around Twitter/Facebook/etc, something along the lines of "Steve cared about other products, other companies care about making money".
At the time, I saw it as nonsense. To start with, it misleadingly conflated a person with companies. Is it really fair to say that other CEOs don't care about their products? But the idea that Apple - or its CEOs - don't care about making money, is laughable, when you see that everything they do is about making as much money as possible, including through the courts to take it off other companies. They even get praised for it - they're not the largest in their markets, rather, it's let's praise Apple for being the most "valuable", or having the most cash, or having the largest profit margins. The media is rammed full of articles publicising this about Apple, and everytime they are mentioned, they have to remind us - even the Register is at it, as the quote from the Iain Thompson article shows.
I love that Apple are simultaneously praised for making lots of money, and for not caring about money because obviously caring about money is a bad thing, unless you're Apple, then it's a good thing.
Sad that a man's death was used by people to evangelise about a company, and criticise other companies - there are people behind those companies too, but I bet most the Apple fans telling us we should care about Jobs don't even know the name of Samsung's CEO, let alone if he died.