back to article Intel tries to wangle China crypto-standards deal

Intel has revealed it’s working behind the scenes to strike a deal with Chinese regulators that will effectively make the country’s closed crypto standard Trusted Cryptography Module (TCM) interoperable with the rest of the world. TCM was invented in the People’s Republic as a home-grown rival to the Trusted Computing Group’s …


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  1. frank ly

    Shoe ... other foot

    "US industry representatives have raised concerns that Chinese development of TCM is motivated by the desire to reduce royalties for patents embedded in TCG technology standards ..."

    Of course it is. Why should China pay for western tech licenses when they can develop their own standard for a massive internal market? (Just like the china-specific mobile phone standard widely used there.)

    "... and that it will negatively affect interoperability and globally integrated supply chains."

    No problem; everybody else can use the chinese standard and buy a license from them. Oh, ... wait a minute.

    1. Callam McMillan

      Re: Shoe ... other foot

      I was thinking it's a case of the baby crying when someone steals its toys after it's thrown them out of the pram. The whining seems to be not because of what the Chinese have done but because an American company is seizing the initiative and supporting competing standards. Well done Intel!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    TCM and US Embargoed Countries list

    Could TCM be used to track users activities and I thought China was on the US Embargoed Countries list?

  3. mhenriday

    They do enjoy whinging, innit ?

    First they complain that the Chinese don't innovate and instead steal their so-called «intellectual property» (typical example : rounded corners on a flat slab) ; then they complain that the Chinese have created a new standard for domestic use, which reduces their ability to charge the Chinese excessive prices for «licenses». One does, indeed, sympathise with these companies, whose executives are so poorly compensated that they must, no doubt, spend half their time in breadlines....


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