This happens to the NHS daily. If someone decides a nurse looked at them funny, it's cheaper for the NHS trust to bung 'em a few thousand to go away rather than to pay the snake oil salesmen... sorry I mean solicitors.... It’s costing the NHS millions every year.
I'm personally aware of cases where the patient was 100% in the wrong, with an as airtight case for the NHS as it's possible to conceive, yet the NHS settled out of court for a low 6 figure number to make the patient go away; Patient is sent letter asking them to come for routine screening appt. No contact from Patient, patient fails to attend appt, patient is sent another letter asking them to attend, no contact from patient, patient doesn’t attend. Patient sent a third letter asking if they would like to opt out from screening programme. Nothing heard from patient.
Three years later, screening comes around to area again. Patient sent invite letter. Irate patient phones up upset that they should have the front and audacity to keep contacting them by mail to offer free cancer screening. Patient asked to send in opt out form. Patient refuses. Patient threatens to sue NHS for harassment. NHS cannot opt someone out of a screening programme without it in writing, regardless of how idiotic the patient is.
Member of staff uses own initiative and visits patient so opt out form can be signed and we won’t have to bother patient again. Patient reluctantly signs. All is well.
Fast forward four years patient presents with symptomatic cancer at their GP. Patient decides department hadn’t done enough to encourage them to come for routine screening in the first place. NHS legal services pay off patient rather than telling them to “fek off, see you in court”…
Now for the final insult. Patient dies from easily preventable cancer. Patient’s family is currently suing the NHS for a high six figure sum and will in all likely hood get it... You couldn’t make this shit up honestly.
AC because this is a little too close to home for comfort....