Re: This is now beyond a joke
"....have at least twice the combat capabilities, as they have surface combat capability...." Ignoring the Sea Viper's ability to hit surface targets, the Type45s have also got the ability to fit Tomahawks if required, which is far beyond the capability of the Horizon class and their anti-shipping only Exocets.
Any ship can be refitted to carry just about anything, given enough time and money. But sailing back to a friendly dock yard when the war has just kicked off is not really a viable option. The Harpoon launchers should have been fitted, but were cut to "save money". Which means that, for example, Irianian navy China Cats (a realitive peanuts cost ship) are more of a surface threat than a "as patroling now" 45, and given the Irianian military penchant for doing stuff without authorisation, something that the RN and MoD should have thought about, like wise other potential military hot spots the RN could find it's self patroling in (Korea, Spratly Islands, etc.), the options to withdraw and refit are likely to be limited and too late.
""....sorry BAE deck guns don't count these days...." The 4.5in deck gun is not only a proven weapon for surface engagements and anti-air, it also supplies a better land bombardment option to a longer range than the 76mm Otobreda on the Horizons."
The cannons on Victory are a "proven combat system", doesn't mean they are relevant for modern engagements. In a war zone (i.e. dealing with a real military force, not the RUF), a ship sailing into range to use it's deck gun, was in missile range a long time ago for the well camoflagued launcher, a lesson the RN and MoD apprently have yet to demonstrate they have learnt from the Falklands war. (militaries have traditionally equiped and trained to fight the last war, not the next, but we appear to be still preparing to refight Korea/WW2)
Personally I would believe the best argument for continuing to have a deck gun is policing/enforcement peace time ops, such as convincing pirates, drug runners and embargo busting ships, etc. to stop, even if a lot of these ops are actually carried out by the Helo. Thus a lighter calibre gun enables more space for other systems, for example more missile defences.
IMHO the US LCS-2 concept is probably the right way to go, where you can fit out the ship prior to deployment with mission specific modules, based on the planned mission, the risk assesments and the contingency plans.