back to article Microsoft's new retro-flavoured logo channels Channel 4

Microsoft has redrawn its corporate logo for the first time since the 1980s in a move likely to have the web boiling over its significance. Out is the fluttering Windows flag with Microsoft spelled using a bold black typeface and the "o" slashed by the "s". In is a four-piece square that looks like a Simon memory game, with " …


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  1. Chris Phillips

    Simon? Pfft

    I think you'll find Chrome is the real Simon rip off

    1. Hieronymus Howerd

      Re: Simon? Pfft

      Here y'go

    2. LarsG

      It is a change

      It is a change to compliment the new Win 8 interface,

      That says it all......

  2. CompuGuide


    I think the new flat, sharp, plain look is synonymous with the current era of austerity.

    Let's hope it doesn't portend the same for MS.

    1. hplasm

      Re: Austerity


      But let's hope it does.

    2. Michael Strorm Silver badge

      Effective Flat design? Harder than it looks to pull off...

      In many respects, I'm a fan of the return to the "flat", clean look of graphic design, where it's done well. For example:-"saul+bass"+logos&tbm=isch

      The Warner Communications logo? Great design:-

      The original Atari logo is one of my all-time favourites:-

      However, the downside of this becoming a trend is that it's harder than it looks to come up with a logo that looks great when shorn of pretty shading effects and the like. In going for that back-to-basics look, it's all too easy for a less-skilled designer to end up with something that simply looks underdesigned, boring and/or amateur.

      (FWIW, this goes for the "flat" design trend in general, and not just logos.)

      For example, the new Office 2013 logo in white against red is (IMHO) quite effective. On the other hand, the new Microsoft logo seen in the video (with its four coloured squares) looks underdesigned and dull. Meanwhile, while I like the white and cyan minimalist colours, the Windows 8 logo itself is boring *and* bordering on amateurish, due to the perspective chosen rendering the cross with (too coincidentally perfect and naff-looking) 90 degree angles. I still can't believe they accepted something that bad. Saul Bass it ain't.

      I actually thought the current Windows Phone logo- with its flattened and boxed version of the XP "wavy" Window- was much more effective:-

    3. big_D Silver badge

      Re: Austerity

      We're in a recession, we can't afford shiny, Microsoft are moving with the times.

  3. Paul Shirley

    giffgaff, not C4

    Bloody hell, they've stolen giffgaffs corporate look and colours. Same colours, same little blocks of them.

    Microsoft emulating the Poundland of the mobile world... must be preparing us for the inevitable price drop to free for Win8 ;)

    1. FordPrefect
      Thumb Down

      Re: giffgaff, not C4

      I still wouldn't want it even if it was FREE!

  4. Nick Ryan

    The logo change is a Sure sign of the deep infection of marketing droiditis in MS when, as well as a criminally ugly new user interface (that used to be called Metro), they've also done through a "corporate rebranding". We just need some whale song and some anally retentive justifications (excuses) for the new nuances that the rebranding inflicts in customers. Doesn't matter if it's fugly, usable or anything, as long as the marketing droids like it.

  5. John Sager

    I wonder how much they paid the whalesong brigade to come up with that? If those four squares were hanging in the Tate Modern (or Charles Saatchi's pad) they would be worth millions.

    1. Shagbag

      whalesong brigade


  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Some marketing or design company/department has probably been paid millions to re-brand this logo and came up with a 4 boxes. I bet they spent hours explaining the evolving dynamics of such a logo.

    The people who come up with this crap should be shot, along with the managers that buy into it.

    P.S: Can you say someone should be without the met police knocking on your door these days? Or is that just twitter?

    1. Spoonsinger

      Re: Cost

      It keeps the "creatives" off the street, and the "managers" will probably get a free champagne and pie dinner while having supple breasts rubbed in their faces. I think you are just jealous because you arn't at that level yet. (actually neither am I - hang the scum!).

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cost

      Or, is it that you've never worked in typography and don't understand just how much effort and design work goes into a logo change for a multinational company.

      Hint: There will have been many more than one logo proposed and Microsoft have their logo on just a tad more than their headed paper. Some of the signs on buildings alone will cost tens of thousands of pounds.

      1. Tom 35

        don't understand just how much effort...

        And don't forget the giant circle jerk. There is always a large dose of "the emperor's new clothes" in new corporate logo press releases.

        1. Shagbag

          circle jerk


      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Cost

        20 years ago BT paid 5 million for the trumpet player design. 5 million for a logo is excessive for a doodle by anyone's standards. In the end with all the reprinting etc it cost them 50 million and then they had tons of redundancies shortly after......

        Not likely to happen with microsoft but the costs involved for a simple design are criminal. These charges get passed on to customers eventually.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Cost

        Hint: next time don't bother. No-one cares.

      4. Kubla Cant

        Re: Cost

        @AC 17:32

        Quite right. Measuring design effort by the complexity of the result is as misguided as measuring progress on an airplane by how much it weighs (to coin a phrase). That way lies Victoriana.

      5. Nuke

        AC @17:32 - Re: Cost

        Wrote :- "you've never worked in typography and don't understand just how much effort and design work goes into a logo change"

        We understand full well how much money this sort of crap costs, but thanks for reminding us. The point being made by many here however is just what a waste of money it is. As you say there are two costs - one is to pay the "Design Company" to come up with this, a paper excercise accompanied by bullshit managerial presentations on its "meaning" - a meaning that will be totally lost on most people.

        The other cost is the physical change to signage, vehicle liveries, and the dumping of literally tons of headed paper with the old logo, at a time when we are meant to be saving things to save the planet.

        I have been in companies which have wasted millions on this frippery. In one they adopted a logo consisting of its initials, a red and a white letter, on a blue ground. We soon discovered that when photocopied on a B&W copier, the red initial dissappeared against the blue ground, leaving only the white one. What a cock-up, yet we paid a designer a 5 figure fee for it. An art student could have done better in a school project.

    3. Goat Jam

      Re: Cost

      "Can you say someone should be (shot) without the met police knocking on your door these days?"

      I find it safer and more humorous to suggest that they are candidates for an economy class seat on the B-Ark.

      (With apologies to D. Adams)

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cost

      Yeah they should get a load of angry bitchy help desk monkeys off the internet as they are the heart of IT and know it all.

      Then their logo can be some poorly rendered CGI tits, windows can be called TNT, executioner or iron fist and some in a sick green box.

      It needs to just ooze masculinity to help them compensate for being a sissy.

    5. That Steve Guy

      Re: Cost

      Could be worse, it might have looked like Lisa Simpson giving oral.

  7. hugo tyson

    Best bit... at the end where it looks like Micro$oft eats itself, and disappears.

  8. Player_16


    What does 'Yellow' stand for?

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Yellow.

      Obvious, isn't it?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Yellow.

      Maybe I'm being OCD, but that really annoys me. Ok, so - blue Windows, orangey-red Office, green XBox - so what the hell's yellow?

      1. Circadian

        Re: Yellow.


        yellow is for the piss they are taking.

      2. mfraz

        Re: Yellow.

        What about red to signify the red ring of death?

    3. Shagbag

      Re: Yellow.

      You guys are way off. Don't over-analyze it. It's simple:

      Yellow = piss

      Red = menstrual cycle

      Green =faeces

      Blue = fart (+ match)

      1. Matthew 3

        Re: Yellow.

        Your faeces are green?

    4. Hoagiebot

      Re: Yellow.

      Easy! The yellow represents the yellow smiley face-logo from Microsoft's disastrous past product Microsoft Bob because Microsoft is repeating its past mistake and trying to cater to only the lowest common denominator of its users once again!

      (Other than that, the only other yellow-color branded Microsoft product that I can think of off of the top of my head was the cute little fox logo from Microsoft Visual FoxPro. Hmm, they said at the time in 2007 when they end-of-lifed Visual FoxPro that they were doing so because it was COM-based and they didn't want to redevelop it for .Net. Now that the new WinRT application architecture is essentially COM-based again, I wonder what their manufactured excuse would be for not further developing that product now... Well, besides the fact that they already killed it that is.)

  9. Charlie Clark Silver badge
    IT Angle

    I had been holding out for

    <img src="">

    Would fit in nicely with "the company formerly known as Microsoft that formerly made software..."

    Where's the whalesong icon?

  10. Dave 126 Silver badge

    Original C4 idents here:

    I seem to recall the original idents took a long time to render... can anyone post a link to more info? Ta

    1. Christian Berger

      Re: Original C4 idents here:

      Well those were digital computer graphics. Those did take quite a while to render and were quite expensive. Only when the "Videotoaster" came out, it became cheaper.

      Just some of the problems. When you do such CGI, you need to store at least one frame. Then you somehow need to record that frame to a VTR. Building a VTR which records one frame is a very non-trivial thing as all the mechanical properties change. So you end up having to rent a specialist computer with a high quality video output, and a special VTR for still frame recording. All very expensive.

      It might have been as expensive as a Scanimate setup per hour. The Scanimate was a popular analog computer graphics computer. It cost $2500 an hour back then and provided real time graphics.

      1. Ambivalous Crowboard

        Re: Christian Berger

        I enjoyed the links to the scanimate. Thanks!

        1. Dave 126 Silver badge

          Re: Christian Berger

          Fascinating stuff on the Scanimate, thank you Mr Berger. That is why I read the Register.

          I've found some info on the Channel 4 ident... reading between the lines, it would appear that wireframe animation was created in England by Systems Simulation Ltd. under Apparently hand-colouring of the computer generated wireframes was tried, before Los Angeles-based Bo Gehring Aviation ( did the whole lot on a computer.

          I'm still not clear on who did what and how, but Lansdown did animation for consoles aboard the Nostromo in Ridley Scott's Alien, and Bo Gehring (who was helped by a fellow who went on to SGI) did work for Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

          Clarification would be appreciated!

          1. Matthew 3

            Re: Christian Berger

            I also liked the Hamlet Cigar spoof of the Channel 4 logo. Done by the same chaps?

          2. Christian Berger

            Re: Christian Berger

            Ohh a German school TV show had a coloured in CGI opening. In fact that is even the episode with the "making of".


            Another good example for that is "Talespin". All the planes were first wire framed and then traced.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

  12. ItsNotMe

    Absolutely AMAZING!

    They look EXACTLY alike!!

    How did Microsoft pull that one off, without getting sued for copyright infringement?

    1. Shagbag

      Re: Absolutely AMAZING!

      They signed a cross licensing deal with Apple.

  13. Dave 126 Silver badge

    updated - Spitting Image

    Though the IT angle on the CGI work is scarce, it turns out that the designer of the Channel 4 ident was also the creator of the Spitting Image series. Well I never.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not sure why but my vision is instantly drawn to the "Micr" part of the logo, the rest of the letters seem to stand out less.

  15. Cliff

    Where's the blibbit?

    Y'know? The blibbit. The funny 'o'? It can't have been retired once and for all?

  16. Shaun 1

    17 years in the making...

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: 17 years in the making...

      "It used to be difficult for personal computers to do more than one thing at a time. Starting with Metro Modern UI it is once again. Stop multitasking. Start Windows 8."

  17. Mr Young

    I maybe know how to sort this...

    A focus group for the focus groups?

  18. IR

    About time they flattened out their nonsensical flag logo, which evolved from a Dali-esque curved window. I'm surprised they didn't do it earlier, when they first unveiled the Metro interface on Windows phones, since it is pretty much the same as that.

    Always amused me how so many logos demonstrate how people can't decide whether green or yellow is the third primary colour so they include both.

    1. Poor Coco

      Re: green or yellow as a third primary

      I suspect the fundamental problem is the nonsensical way we teach children about colour.

      For example, “Roy G. Biv” is a lousy way to describe the colours we see, because it conflicts with colour nomenclature. Either it omits cyan, or calls cyan, 'blue' and blue, 'indigo'. It also completely omits magenta, since it only addresses spectral colours.

      Magenta is missing; magenta is the emission of red and blue-stimulus photons simultaneously. This can also be accomplished by absorption of green photons from full-spectrum ambient light, which is what magenta ink does.

      Until one understands colourspace, and how additive and subtractive colour work, and arguably also how colour spaces are defined, it's hard to generalise laws that depend on colour perception.

      Simpler, more abstract ideas about colour lead to design decision ambiguity. Individual designers don't follow consistent rules. Two designers, working independently on the same assignment, will have different final results. That's okay in my books.

      1. Nuke

        @Poor Coco - Re: green or yellow as a third primary

        “Roy G. Biv” ?? I've never heard that one. We were taught "Richard of York gave battle in vain"

        1. Poor Coco

          Re: @Poor Coco - green or yellow as a third primary

          Search for "roy g. biv song" on YouTube; you'll see tons of educational songs, including one by They Might Be Giants — which was the original source of my complaint. They are exceptional in kids' music in that (a) they are educational, (b) the music doesn't suck and (c) they nearly always get their facts straight and they value scientific integrity. So this song, on a DVD of science-related tracks, was disappointing for me because they describe the colour spectrum without relating it to how we see colour and with misleading colour names (which Richard of York uses as well).

    2. Kristian Walsh

      Primary confusion...

      Our eyes may be approximately RGB sensors, but our brain's visual processing interprets colour differently to this. Colour Opponency is one of the theories that tries to describe the processing of colour, and also explain why, for example, Red and Green are perceived to be more "opposite" from each other than Red and Blue, which actually are furthest apart on the spectrum.

      By examining at which colours "fight" each other when put side by side, the Colour Opponent Theory yields four "natural" colours: Green and its opposite, Red; Yellow and its opposite, Blue, plus black and white. ( see: )

      Most graphic designers will have encountered this theory at college, or will be aware of colour opponency though experience, hence the recurrence of these shades whenever companies ask for "bold colours" in a design. (The old striped Apple logo just added orange and purple to the basic four shades)

  19. VeganVegan

    Putting multi-colored lipstick on that pig

    It's still a pig.

  20. Christian Berger

    I still don't like their anti-semitic undertones

    Couldn't they get that swastika on the multi coloured background out of their logo?

    1. Nuke
      Big Brother

      @Christian Berger - Re: I still don't like their anti-semitic undertones

      Those downvoters, get some humour. After all, we saw Balmer giving Nazi salutes in the monkey dance.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This is blasphemy!

    This is madness!

    1. Chika

      Re: This is blasphemy!

      Madness? THIS IS WINDOWS!!!

      1. Medium Dave

        Re: THIS IS WINDOWS!!!

        **BOOT** - "Arrrgh!"

        **REBOOT** - "Aarrrrrgghh!!"

        "You have 4 Important Updates..."


  22. This post has been deleted by its author

  23. Mike Flugennock

    I detect a familiar odor...

    "This wave of new releases is not only a re-imagining of our most popular products, but also represents a new era for Microsoft, so our logo should evolve to visually accentuate this new beginning," Hanson said.

    The box "is important in a world of digital motion" while the little squares of colour are "intended to express the company's diverse portfolio of products".

    Jeezus, it totally stinks of sage in here. Somebody open a window.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I detect a familiar odor...

      Jeezus, it totally stinks of sage in here. Somebody open a window.

      That's not sage.. it's Salvia.

      1. Graham Dawson

        Re: I detect a familiar odor...

        That's not saliva...

  24. Mike Flugennock

    speaking as a graphic designer with 30-odd years' experience...

    ...Jesus H. Tap-Dancing CHRIST. Did they pay actual money for this? Oh, who am I kidding; I'm sure they did -- well into six figures, at the very least. Not bad money for about ten minutes' work.

    Hell, it looks like they didn't even have to use an actual drawing application to do it, either, or even spend any time trying out different fonts. It looks like it was done by a design department intern, right there in the client meeting, on a laptop with the drawing tools in Word, and the fonts that came installed with it.

    I almost feel sorry for Microsoft these days; seems they just can't stop stepping in it.

  25. Barrie Shepherd

    For me the Channel 4 logo (and associated jingle) is probably one of the most successful (and pleasing) graphics of the last century - well done MS for catching up!!

  26. GumboKing
    Black Helicopters

    The Illuminati will be mad

    I always thought that little triangle between the O and S on the old logo was supposed to evoke an Illuminati Pyramid. I guess a different conspiratorial cabal is in charge now.

    Black Helicopter, natch.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The Illuminati will be mad

      The centre of the four squares is a top view of the apex of the pyramid.

      1. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart

        Re: The Illuminati will be mad

        No No, its not the Illuminati,

        ASCCI Code(B) = 66

        ASCCI Code(I) = 73

        ASCCI Code(L) = 76

        ASCCI Code(L) = 76

        ASCCI Code(G) = 71

        ASCCI Code(A) = 65

        ASCCI Code(T) = 84

        ASCCI Code(E) = 69

        ASCCI Code(S) = 83

        add them up = 663, he's Bill Gates the 3rd so add the 3 = 666

  27. Dana W


  28. Dana W


    A sad fake Apple commercial to get people to the sad fake Apple store.

  29. Medium Dave

    Why have I got a sudden urge to watch "Play school"?

    Let's boot up... through the square window.

    (Old? Me?)

    1. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart

      Re: Why have I got a sudden urge to watch "Play school"?

      Here's a house, here's a door.

      Windows: 3.1, XP, 7, 8, ready to knock?

      Turn the lock - It's the Play School developers.

      "One of our three magic windows (c) (tm) can open wide to show both town and countryside, let's go through the . . . . . . . . . . . .Square window. . . . . . . . . . OH MY GOD!!!, it's hideous!!!!!"

      1. Medium Dave

        Re: Why have I got a sudden urge to watch "Play school"?

        FTW. :)

  30. YeaRight


    You MS haters make me laugh. If it wasn't MS it'd be someone else.

    So, they've changed their logo. So what? Looks more modern if you ask me! And who cares how much it cost? I don't!

    And anyway, many of you haters are probably sat there in your sandals and socks, so what would you know about design or "fashion"!!! :)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Whatever!



      You MS haters make me laugh. If it wasn't MS it'd be someone else.

      So, they've changed their logo. So what? Looks more modern if you ask me! And who cares how much it cost? I don't!

      And anyway, many of you haters are probably sat there in your sandals and socks, so what would you know about design or "fashion"!!! :)


      And you Microsoft astroturfing shills make my toes laugh. Recently registered on the 23rd August 2012 for a snarky retort on your virgin post?

      I hope you're paid well for your efforts.

      (Pasted your comment at the top, just in case you decide to sneakily delete it.)

      1. sabroni Silver badge

        Re: Whatever!

        And of course we know exactly when you registered, mr. Anonymous pussy. Talk about double standards.

        But thanks for pointing out an MS shill, we'd never have guessed from the content of the post!

    2. Wombling_Free

      Re: Whatever!

      Nice lawn.

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "This wave of new releases is not only a re-imagining of our most popular products, but also represents a new era for Microsoft"

    Yeah, the end.

  32. P. Lee

    MS: Better to laugh at us

    Than to think about our competitors.

    Its the Endermol of the IT world.

  33. Silverburn

    Where's the whalesong? Goodness me, the agencies have really lost their touch these days.

    But it's good to see the "It took us 5 minutes of doodling and we discovered it by accident but we're still going to charge you 6 figures" philosophy is still in place.

  34. toadwarrior

    It's not that new at all. The logo is the same as the outlook 2007 categorise icon except a flatter and possibly a couple of the colours switch around.

    There's not that much you can do with those colors when creating a relatively simple logo I guess. Unless they want to copy google poke-ball / simon says logo.

  35. Kristian Walsh


    Sure, whatever. And Debian is BSD-like.

    The typeface that Segoe is, um, reminiscent of is Adrian Frutiger's eponymous "Frutiger" (UK residents will recognise Frutiger from its use as the corporate typeface of the NHS, but its first use was as signage for Charles de Gaulle airport)

    While we're at it, this isn't the first time Frutiger has been allegedly "appropriated": the designers of what is now Apple's corporate typeface (Myriad Pro, by Robert Slimbach and Carol Twombly for Adobe -- it's the default font in Adobe Illustrator) were also accused of shamelessly ripping off Frutiger.

    In any case, the amount you have to change a font by to be considered a "new" face is only about 5%, and it's very easy to hide this in the punctuation, i-dots, and symbols... or the tail of the capital Q

  36. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Seems odd ...

    Seems odd to me that they remove all the colours that are synonymous with Windows from the Windows 8 logo and then add them to the Corporate logo instead? :S

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Let's shed a tear for the older, 4th gen Microsoft logo

    1987-2012. 25 years. RIP.

    We grew up and grew old with the old Microsoft logo. Many experiences and memories, good and bad.

  38. Tony Paulazzo

    Cinema goes 3D, Microsoft goes 2D

    Augmented Reality adds information rich overlays on our 3D world, Microsoft goes flat

    Subtle light and shading on realtime mapping, Microsoft goes primary... er, colours

    Way to buck the trends Microsoft

    And I'm not a MS hating anything - running Win8 now, with a ClassicShell plugin 'cause ModernUI sucks donkey balls, but I've been a windows advocate from version 3.1. I just haven't buried my head in the sand, nor do I think it's any kind of a good design... Tablets and PCs are different! Viva la difference!

  39. adam payne

    New logo

    New logo but same old Microsoft.

  40. Corborg


    Yellow is traditionally Exchange Server in MS worlds. Maybe yellow should just be for Server.

  41. Wombling_Free

    Deckchairs, Titanic.

    Hmmm, right before launching a new OS that is already being regarded as Vista II?

    Why not spend an obscene amount on a new logo?

    That said, I would have loved to have had the contract to design.... a SQUARE, then smoke top-grade hash for 4 weeks solid to come up with the accompanying design justification and marketing burble.

    Yep, mine's the pint.... of absinthe.

  42. Captain Scarlet

    I like the old logo

    Whats with making stuff straight and box like, think outside the box or at least look outside the windows.

  43. Steve 6

    The same as the old logo ... but with all the creases ironed out ...

    Shame the same can't be said for their software!

    B'dm tshhhh

  44. Kubla Cant

    Microsoft's red, yellow, green and blue colours

    OMG! I've been using red, yellow, green and blue colours for years. I never knew they were Microsoft's. I should have read the EULA.

    Are there any colours left for the rest of us?

  45. skuba*steve


    Is this not for the UC offerings (Exchange/Lync et. al.)?

  46. Joey

    I would say that a black rectangle with rounded corners is more distinctive and memorable that four coloured squares. The grey 'Microsoft' though, in a generic sans-serif, is a stroke of genius.

  47. John 62


    That's a long way from being like Helvetica.

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