back to article ICO to probe Essex council over data leak

The Information Commissioner's Office is making enquiries into a leak of data possibly involving the details up to 400 users of services provided by Essex county council. The council said that all affected residents had been informed. It has not yet been confirmed that the leak amounts to an offence under the Data Protection Act …


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  1. Wayland Sothcott 1


    Essex are outsourcing services and cutting department sizes to save lots of money. I was wondering when this would start happening.

    1. Only me!
      Thumb Down

      Re: Outsourcing

      What has outsourcing got to do with data going out of the organisation exactly?

      I am not saying outsourcing is a good or bad thing here.....just that it has nothing to do with the story.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    IT Rules!

    Sounds like someone emailed a spreadsheet to their personal email account....

    Why would you need to do a thing like that?

    Well the current council I am working at implemented working from home, etc.....which means everyone can access a Virtual Desk Top while working from home. Great! But the people in IT have decided that people are not allowed to print anything at home, as a result I bet people email stuff to the personal account and then print it. (You can of course print it at work and take it home!)

    No criminal intentions, but it does mean that info goes outside the council because of a ridiculous idiot in IT.

    AC ...... well if you have to ask!

    1. RonWheeler

      Re: IT Rules!

      Perhaps you shouldn't be printing work stuff out at home?

      Oh of course. People never leave stuff lying about on their printer. No. Never.

    2. RainForestGuppy

      Re: IT Rules!

      You are the problem there are data leaks not the council.

      There is probaby a reason, that people shouldn't print at home. ITS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.

      You don't just lose data on data sticks and CD's.

      In fact what the IT dept should do is implement a sensible DLP solution so if some idiot like you tries to sending personal information outside it stops you.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Another data breach?

    But that cannot happen with all the safeguards put in place, can it?

  4. ed2020

    Another council, so no doubt another ICO fine on the way. Are the ICO ever going to pursue private companies with the same vigour...?

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