in Norfolk?
US space agency NASA, one of the few organisations with probe craft operating beyond Earth orbit (for instance upon the surface of Mars and above planets and moons still further-flung) has stunned the world by releasing photos of a huge, four-toed footprint dating from more than 100 million years ago. Footprint at undisclosed …
The register is going down hill, this should have been post number 1. Maybe I am getting old but I thought the comments section was all about welcoming overlords of one sort or another. I kinda thought it was like spreading your bets, much in the same way as being a multi-faith atheist (or does that translate into believing in nothing in a lot of different ways? - you get my point anyway I'll assume).
In summary, you must all try harder next time lest you wish to feel the wrath of a four-toed super-being with an as yet undetermined amount of mounted lasers!
Blunderbuss +1 from me
P.s. I want more "laser" comments too. That is all.
So any chance this was created by, for instance, a robot lander that, for instance, delivered "30 pulses of its laser during a 10-second period. Each pulse delivering more than a million watts of power for about five one-billionths of a second. The energy from the laser exciting atoms in the rock into an ionized, glowing plasma?"
Or, for instance, a shark?
This post has been deleted by its author
Its was actually taken from a plane above the Arizona dessert. It's *miles* not inches. Since its a dessert, linguine is not an appropriate yardstick.
Does anyone else think they haven't put much effort into this? It looks as though they just had a foot ruler handy and couldn't be bothered to measure it any more accurately.
From your Article: "In an unusual twist, the space agency refuses to divulge just where in the solar system the massive footprint was found: according to a NASA statement this information is "sensitive", which would naturally lead to speculation that the US government is hushing up information on nonhuman life forms for one of a variety of reasons."
The title of the NASA news report that this article is 'reporting': "Cretaceous Footprints Found at Goddard"
The first text of the NASA news story that this article is 'reporting': "Dinosaur tracker Ray Stanford describes the cretaceous-era nodosaur track he found on the Goddard Space Flight Center campus this year. "
@GettinSadda: Yes, quite. But, further down the article:
'Goddard Facilities Manager Alan Binstock said the agency considers the footprint and its location “sensitive but unclassified.”'
So Lewis is quite correct they haven't to stated the precise spot in the solar system where the print is located. The approximate spot is in the headline, but they're not telling where on the facility's grounds exactly.
The Daily Mail site is just a pile of cruelty-to-kittens stories in between the "skanky asylum family trashes £££M mansion, is to get another", and down the right hand side a hundred people I've never heard of who don't seem to deserve to be beside so-called news (I mean, "kiddies mauled by geriatric pit bull" might be a newsworthy story, some tosh about designer lettuce diet isn't).
This is an article all of whose interest and excitement is based on consciously obscuring the critical piece of information that would make it boring. It toys with the readers, leading them up the garden path with the insinuation that it might be on Mars or something. Offering advice to NASA based on this story is, well, about a light-year off-course.
So not being a rocket scientist, is it possible to hack into any of the probes elsewhere in the Universe?
OK, so one would need access to a dish and some other stuff, but would one still be hacking NASA in the USA? Does Mars count as US territory (I know the US probably thinks it does, but what does the rest of the world think).
And I'm fairly sure there's laws and precedents about leaving your vehicle unattended on land you don't own?
Hacking the NASA servers by penetration testing port 80, I've found the secret documents that reveal both the location and the nature of the prints. And a movie-file disclosing the individual who found them.
It turns out, NASA has used an old but neigh unbreakable form of encryption that we used to know as README.TXT-encryption (the most secure method of hiding useful information) but is now modernised by the HREF (or linked article)-encryption standard. Even Real Haxxors have trouble with those.
Anyway, the noise of those black helicopters is starting to drive me crazy and I hear footsteps on the roof. I think I'm off to the US of A!
As others have comment already; for all we know this could be due to erosion or other effects.
FootprintS are just that; several nearly identical prints which clearly indicate the presence of a being capable of motion. Yet this article only talks about one specific feature which could be explained as a "3 toed footprint" but IMO several other explanations are also quite valid as long as its only one print.
Find an actual trail and then you have something solid to base your current conclusions on.
So how do they know it's a ""a four-footed tank" if there is only one print? It could have been a 8-footed army helicopter for all we know. It could even have been a delinquent early mammal on a pogo stick.
What's the IT angle? Overweight dinosaurs moving into management positions, or what?