Because fuck you, Three
Everything Everywhere will change its identity before the end of 2012 - but will NOT merge its Orange and T-Mobile brands, which will continue to confuse punters indefinitely. Orange and T-Mobile are, and will remain, consumer brands for Everything Everywhere, the UK's largest mobile operator. EE will announce a new moniker in …
well if you dont like three,f..k off over to someone else to be ripped of by,probably for twice as much for a service that wont be twice as good,nobody holding shotgun to yer head.
there are things i hate about three,but then i dont expect rolls royce build when paying ford prices,if your one of the lucky ones who actualy get a decent signal on three,then yer getting a great deal,if like me you get a shite signal on three then its not such a great deal,but why would i pay orange etc 4 times as much just to get the same crap service as three,have tried all the networks in my bit of watford multiple times over and over again,their all crap,its just others charge much more for same crap service.
due to geography,i wont get decent signal from anyone until a new tower is put up in a different position,its one of the problems with having a ground floor flat that is built into a hill side,if we could talk three into fitting local femtocell i would get great signal,but as the problem is very localised and only affects about 300 properties,its just not worth it for economic reasons.yes,its bloody annoying,but nobody comes round my flat with a baseball bat and forces me to give three £15 a month.
as stated above,if you dont like three,piss off else where,or are you one of the whiners who can shift 30gb+ a month but dont like threes crud customer service,try orange,i had to threaten to blow down their tower to get them to stop billing my bank,4 months after having been through their cut off dept,that would have netted them £240 quid and i was'nt even able to use phone,i had them lock it as stolen,and phone number had been killed and put back into their system for several years and sim itself had been returned as well.
when you find a provider that gives you everything you want,at a price you think is fair,let the rest of us know,there are a few others as well as myself who would move over rapidly.
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No surprise. lots of Virgin are based on some other company doing half the work on the quiet and the beardie smiler contributing the brand
Virgin Trains (real name "West Coast Trains Limited" - Stagecoach Group
Virgin Credit card - MBNA Europe
Virgin Finance - started with Norwich Union
Virgin Atlantic - Singapore Airways
Promises "anytime, anyplace, anywhere" but you know the reality won;t live up to the advertising...
There, fixed that for yer...
Since El Reg hasn't seen fit to provide a glass of wine for me, I'll have to substitute a flagon of horse piss instead... I WANT a glass of a good Cabernet Sauvignon...
Before Hutchison set up Orange they had a much less powerful network called Rabbit. It's actually not a bad name for a phone network so I think they should use it as a basis for the new name. However it needs to show the confidence of a much more powerful network and changes in technology. I therefore suggest Rampant Rabbit.
If I was feeling rude, I might suggest that they've already changed their name to Ofcom.
That would explain how they managed to end up with a 4G monopoly - seemingly without having to give anything away...
Otherwise we need to consider the full gamut of management consulting wisdom. So we need a 'q' in there, preferably without it's customary companion 'u'. Some cod latin, or greek. Numbers and punctuation are the coming thing in CEO-chique, so how's about:
My apologies for any damage I've done to your readers' eyes with that abomination. If anyone's interested, my services can be hired, please apply to:
I ain't Spartacus
Gizajob Media5.0 Consultancy
Silicon Roundabout
They can call themselves anything they want, I still won't be using them. As somebody said, they keep breaking phones with their branding. They have been doing that for years. (Remember the Orange homescreen on Nokias ?!) - I haven't used them since then, and if they were the last mobile provider on earth I'd be using cups and some string.
We had One-to-One, which merged into T-mobile, we've got O2, and Three, EE have just been awarded the 4G spectrum, and E times E is E squared and 4 is a square number...
but just a number on its own isn't that distinctive and could be confused with the TV station, so I think we need a letter. So a letter that is both quirky (like Orange used to be) and denotes quality (T-mobile had a fair business reputation I suppose), and should also reflect wide coverage, i.e. quantity... and speed of 4G is important too, so think quick... I reckon Q is a good candidate...
So how about calling it The 4Q Network? Or just 4Q for short.
You do know that Orange and T-Mobile are not just a brand, but two separate subsidary companies of Everything Everywhere, just like how BT Retail, BT Openworld, BT Wholesale, etc. are subsidary companies of BT Group?
If they want to keep Orange and T-Mobile separate, then let them.
Everything Everywhere was never a consumer brand anyway, it's just the parent company. They can have any number of companies underneath them.
The only people confused is people who deliberately look for confusion.
Three company names for what is basically one company, all of which operate in the same industry, all of which sell the same products, all of which appear in press releases as a conjoined entity, one of which you cannot buy a "product" from, and now we're changing them again.
And *WE'RE* the ones who are confused?
It's pointless, stupid, costly and insane. At least call yourself "T-Mobile / Orange Group" so that people know who you are. But that's the real reason for it's existence. If you change your name often enough, people end up using you again where they'd previously sworn off you for life.
This is really no different to the Consignia / Royal Mail example. You've spent lots of money on corporate branding to make us think you're someone other than the Royal Mail, when you could have just carried on using the name. You've split what was one entity into two (and EE split 2 companies into 3!) in the hopes that something magical about the name will recoup you the money it costs to have rebranded in the first place.
Or you could have just called yourself ANYTHING and NEVER used that name except on legal documents. E.g. Nobody knows who the hell Hutchinson are. But I bet they've heard of Three. See how easy that was? Proctor & Gamble have a million brands under the same name. But you only really see the P&G mark on some of them, and only in the smallest way possible because they want the BRAND to be important, not the company name.
And notice how ALL the BT companies contain the word - BT! So you at least carry your reputation forward and have an idea of who their parent company is, and can avoid as necessary (not so for "PlusNet", but that's another issue entirely).
For years, I used a domain name registrar until I realised that the actual company name was Parbin Ltd. There never used it except on official documents.
So you have two, huge, well-known brands, both of whom are doing well, both of whom people already own products from, both of whom own shops, both of whom serve the same industry. And what you do is create a 3rd name that nobody's ever heard of, put that into press releases (and even in the adverts they ran about the name change / network merger), change it after a year, and at no point truly "merge" the two well-known brands so lots of people still think they're the same company.
Yeah, that's obviously *ME* being confused, that is.
I can see why they did it - before this T-Mobile and Orange were owned by two separate parent companies. They decided to put them together in the care of a newly-created company, Everything Everywhere, probably so that they could launch other companies under the care of it in the future (one of which we know about). Funnily enough, Deutsche Telekom and France Telecom have 50% stakes in Everything Everywhere.
As for the "all of which sell the same products" thing, not really a new thing, look at Dixons Retail, who have Currys.Digital, Currys, PC World, Dixons Duty Free - who all have product lines that contain the same goods throughout all the stores, despite the stores largely competing in the same markets.
After looking more at it, it's clear what's going to happen - even though they sell much the same products, Orange and T-Mobile will have their own identity e.g. much like Currys.Digital and PC World does and this third company, which will be the "4G network" one, will have a new identity. It could work, if they make them all distinct enough. Just look at the aforementioned Dixons Retail subsidiaries.
Lee Dowling:-
"And notice how ALL the BT companies contain the word - BT! So you at least carry your reputation forward and have an idea of who their parent company is, and can avoid as necessary (not so for "PlusNet", but that's another issue entirely)."
Most of the BT companies, you forgot Openreach.
The very sad but this is what they came up with answer is "thirteen"
I know someone that works there and they had to sign a non-disclosure agreement when inside the UK, so we went outside they UK and they told me.
I did know the reasons were 2013 launch date and some others I have since forgotten.
Anon because they could tracke me...
G4G (G4, or Go for Gold) - I actually like that!
I think the first two could neither be understood, nor spelled by the average customer.
CC (Congealed Conglomerate)? Nah. Sounds like the end-result of a wet dream.
HEY!!! One brand name coming up for grabs really soon!!! NOKIA ! Oh, wait - what impression does that give? Maybe not.
Well, it's got to have an X in the name because X is cool, it should also start with a small i because, no idea. Ideally it'll have a Z in there aswell because who uses Z these days? it's got to be cutting edge though which means it also has to start with an e- to show it's e-credentials so I suggest....
e-iZX which as you can see just rolls off the tongue.
It will probably end up some shit like; Duo or Dynamic Duo therefore leading to Borange and T-robile.
Maybe Tange? That'll be a good one for the cool kids.. "what network you on Chantelle? I'm on Tange babe, it's like well good". And they could get Amy Childs to front it or some other Essex great. Tange Wednesdays! I think I am on to something here.....
In fact, I submit.... Tange!
Paris... Well somes Tange up, vacuous shit.
Please don't call it "Keith",
or "Dave" after Rodney,
as I would be compelled to purchase something from them.
I'd also pick "Je ne Regrette Rien" followed by "I can't get no satisfaction" and "why are we waiting" as their on hold music for customer services.
I wouldn't need a ringtone, as no service, no calls.