Yes, but can it Iron?
Noodles are for wimps, I'd pay 20,000 for an ironing robot!
Former chef Cui Runguan has created an army of noodle-slicing robots that he hopes will staff restaurants across China. The 'Chef Cui' appears to be modelled on the upper torso of 1960s Japanese TV robot hero Ultraman, complete with rather sinister yellow flashing eyes. Its left hand holds the ball of noodle dough while the …
I've been making noodles (pasta) by hand for over forty years. It ain't exactly rocket science. Rumor has it that humans have been doing it by hand since before the Romans stole "civilization" from the Greeks ... certainly long before Marco Polo came back from China.
Only stands to reason ... grind/mill grain, mix with liquid, dry, store, re-hydrate, season, eat.