back to article EA kills Medal of Honour arms deal

EA has ceased the promotion of its charity fundraiser 'Project Honor', after public outcry over its decision to advocate the sale of actual weapons featured in the game Medal of Honour. All for a good cause, you understand, right? The publisher joined forces with a number of weapons manufacturers this year for the launch of …


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  1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    Hanlon's Razor

    "If I played Need for Speed, and I'm handed the key to a Porsche, does that make me want to get in it and drive like a maniac and run people over? No."

    Is this guy a liar, or an idiot, do you think?

    1. Ryan Kendall

      Re: Hanlon's Razor

      Guns are cheaper than a Porsche, and yes people who DO get a Porsche i've never seen going slowly.

      Then again this an American promo. where guns are given away with new bank accounts.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hanlon's Razor

      Whatever; he clearly has no soul.

      I know that after 6 hours of playing Carmageddon pedestrians all start looking like points to me.

      1. Minophis

        Re: Hanlon's Razor

  2. Ben Holmes

    Oh, this is priceless. Well done, EA. Well done.

  3. Oli 1

    Off topic observation

    Love being the exception to the rule, im completely unable to lock a target in any game but give me a rifle and i hit my target first time.

    1. The Baron

      Re: Off topic observation

      The observation was that playing a shooting game makes some people better shots with a real gun, not that being a good shot with a real gun makes people any better at shooting games, or indeed that being bad at shooting games makes you a bad shot with a real gun. So (a) it wasn't a rule, and (b) even if it was, you're not an exception to it.

      Gonna stop being cheeky now since you're a good shot with a rifle :-)

  4. Graham Marsden

    Ok, not necessarily in the best taste ever...

    ... but if I go out and buy a replica sword that I've seen in a movie, I'm not really going to go out and start carving people up with it, am I?

    This looks more like some media bandwagon silly season "outrage" story.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ok, not necessarily in the best taste ever...

      Seen Kill Bill, have you? ;-)

  5. tamuct01
    Black Helicopters

    Political Correctness Run Amok

    So let me get this straight: A company teams up with other companies to sell legally purchasable goods in order to send the proceeds to a charity, and this is shot down (pun intended) because libs and the media have a prejudice against said legally purchasable product?

    Would this same 'outrage' occur if EA instead decided to have a BBQ cookoff to support a military charity and PETA showed up griping about slaughtered cows?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Political Correctness Run Amok

      I totally agree.

      I think they should next support the Rape Crisis charity and offer gaffer tape, ropes and knives for sale, you know, just to be authentic, after all, you can buy them from other places.

      And America wonders why people don't look to them as a beacon of light in the world.

      1. Levente Szileszky

        Re: Political Correctness Run Amok

        FYI your irony will be lost on him - guntards are completely incapable to register any irony as they will never recognize their utterly lunatic way of thinking...

        ...guntards, nuff said.

    2. Levente Szileszky

      Re: Political Correctness Run Amok

      "A company teams up with other companies to sell legally purchasable goods in order to send the proceeds to a charity, and this is shot down (pun intended) because libs and the media have a prejudice against said legally purchasable product?"

      Priceless idiocy, perfect example of a stupid, true gun-tard.

  6. Anonymous Coward


    Don't see a problem. So people are to assume that in real life guns and weapons don't exist? If someone is going to buy one of these things they will, regardless of whether EA are "promoting" them. Which they aren't.

    To buy one you still have to comply with the laws regarding firearms/knives etc in you country whether they're Medal Of Honour specials or not.

    Whatever your moral/political views this benefitted the families of people who have lost their lives doing something that the majority wouldn't dare to do. What is wrong with that? It seems sense that sales of weapons should be used like this.

  7. SpaMster

    What guns?

    I cant find anything anywhere that suggests they were selling anything other than these imitation tomohawks, please tell me if im wrong but they didnt have anything to suggest guns were invovled in this at all.

  8. Gordon Pryra


    The story itself? Yawn, good marketing from EA they got their name up there again.

    I find it funny/sad that there is a charity to give money to the family’s of those whose job it is to kill peoples family’s.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ironic

      I wonder where you'd be if there weren't people in your nation willing to sacrifice themselves for their nation... What the politicians you elect have them do is beyond their control.

      The fact that such a charity is required is a disgrace and governments and the people voting for them should be disgusted with themselves that a young person can chose to serve their country and is then dropped like garbage the moment they're no longer wanted, and ignore the families when they've died.

  9. regadpellagru
    Thumb Down

    F**k me, really

    I understand raising money is tough, and a number of bad/devious solutions can be in sight, which low mind people could follow.

    However, promoting real weaponry, through a video war game, for a charity for people killed (likely via the same mark) is just insane to me, geez.

    Of course, in the U.S of A, where everyone and their dog has a firearm, this looks like Business As Usual, but elsewhere, think about it, people from USA, this is just like promoting a condom maker through a rape video game, to support for raped women !

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: F**k me, really

      I don't see why it's insane, unless you believe the "playing video games makes you likely to do what you see" school of thought.

      It actually makes perfect sense as a marketing tactic and there's a big industry in replica weaponry and branded memorabilia. Someone that plays Medal of Honor is likely to to want to buy replica weapon from the game, while they'd possibly also buy a key ring they can likely make more money off the weapon. If the person wanted to go and murder people they could go to their local hardware store and buy an array of weapons far cheaper. Just the other day my friend bought a petrol driven chain saw.

      The analogy of selling comdoms to support raped women sees gross both in terms of subject and exaggeration. It's like selling any branded good to support a charity. You pick a product your community is likely to appreciate and you sell it, and then you give the proceeds to your charity of choice.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "If I played Need for Speed, and I'm handed the key to a Porsche, does that make me want to get in it and drive like a maniac and run people over? No."

    Really? Not even a little bit?

  11. LaunchpadBS

    So much for simulation

    "If I played Need for Speed, and I'm handed the key to a Porsche, does that make me want to get in it and drive like a maniac and run people over? No."

    What need for speed has this guy been playing??? I tried running people over but I bounce off the invisible barrier, also driving a fast and running people over are two different things entirely. Unless cars are now considered weapons...

  12. asdf

    the problem

    Yes its all legal and above board but it does glorify some things that are necessary but shouldn't be glorified. Its one thing to enjoy shooting guns responsibly but the whole gun porn worship thing is crass and obnoxious. I don't care if people in my community own guns as long as I don't have to see them in public.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. asdf

      Re: the problem

      It would be nice if the rest of the world understands even in America though that its a very very small minority that are into guns in the way shown in the movie Jackie Brown with the girls in bikinis with automatic sub machine guns, etc.

  13. Levente Szileszky

    One word: EA...

    ...they are like Romney, they would do ANYTHING for money - "what, you like our Mom, how dare you... wait, how much do you have?:

  14. SoaG

    Not possible

    "Despite understanding concerns,"

    Nope, 'concerns' not understandable at all. Next time just mail the complainers a big box of Raisin Bran and a coupon for some milk.

  15. This post has been deleted by its author

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