Re: Seriously?
Given that they are then reviewed by a patent officer with extremely limited knowledge of the field (and very limited access to relevant journals
Surely that could be one of the ways in which the new search engine is helpful. Patent registration comes in, search a few keywords on google. "Oh, something pretty similar already exists. Rejected, too many similarities to patent 31337"
It'd be good if there were a multi-stage process to patent applications though.
Stage 1: Auto reject. Using tools similar to googles new patent search engine, or the plagurism tools they use on university papers.
Stage 2a: Approved patents go forward for manual approval
Stage 2b: Rejected patents get sent back to person applying, if there are few similarities to other patents they can appeal the rejection through a special appeals board who know it's been rejected, these people then check the other patents it's similar to before accepting / rejecting
Stage 2c: Rejected patents get sent back to person applying, if there are a great deal of similarities all they can do is reword and resubmit, or give up.