back to article Gov splashed £98k through CloudStore in July

Public sector organisations spent just over £98,000 through the government CloudStore framework in July, mainly on software. The biggest spenders were the following: The Student Loans Company, which spend nearly £32,000 on consultancy with Quo Imus. The Cabinet Office spent £24,500 with software developer Apto Solutions. …


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  1. xyz Silver badge

    Huddle still baffles me

    MoJ goes for the web version like the clappers whilst FCO services is providing it as a GSI cloud service, whilst other depts' data controllers will not accept it because it spunks uncontrolled data to all and sundry (world +dog for the MoJ, GSI only for the FCO offering, but youve still got data going all over the shop) whilst I haven't found any other gov firewall rule that'll allow web access to it anyway. Someone somewhere is making one hell of a cock up. My money is on the MoJ.

  2. Vic

    > The Student Loans Company, which spend nearly £32,000 on consultancy with Quo Imus.

    Quo Imus?

    If they have to ask...


  3. roblees

    Huddle claims to sefve a large proportion of the Fortune 500 - probably as much of an SME as Microsft!

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