No iBurglarAlarm?
Police have arrested a man accused of breaking into the former home of Apple icon Steve Jobs and stealing over $60,000 worth of "computer equipment and personal items." On July 17, Job's former home on Waverley Street in Palo Alto was broken into and turned over, AP reports. Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Tom …
No, It's because I am not American and a with a quick search it looks like America is the only place in the world to use petit to describe it and even there only a couple of states use it. Maybe it was a mis-spelling when they were writing the law?
Not sure, they seem to have a lot of French influence in their bastardized version of English. Just listen to the way they pronounce "herb". Maybe there is some historic connexion to the Louisiana purchase, and of course Canada is to their North. Is it to do with petit being the French adjective for small?
Yes, I have heard of petty/grand theft. However the "excessive taking of property" charge was used to escalate the sentence, which I would presume was a charge of grand theft. So yes, it sounds trumped up to me. Somewhat along the line of charging someone for public drunkenness then upping the penalty with an added charge of 'excessive intoxication'.
>Never heard of petit theft vs. grand theft?
>Is that because you are uneducated?
I might have heard the terms in passing because American film and television does reach our shores from time to time. My education was not to bad, but my teachers never thought I would need to know some distinctions in the criminal law of another country (well, some might have had suspicions...)
But still, "Excessive taking of property" does suggest that there is "reasonable taking of property"... but as anyone who has ever awoken to find a member of their household has pilfered the last teabag will agree, it can be a subjective, context-sensitive distinction.
Its TheRegister.CO.UK.
Why, yes, if you're hard of thinking like us, you know that El Steve was a one dimensional bad-guy who did something that we can't quite put our finger on but made use hate him and his successful company.
We're pretty sure he had a white cat and a base inside a hollowed out volcano too.
As a result anything bad that happens to people who were close to him is just karma getting back into balance.
As you didn't know this we will now have to assume you are an evil hench-genius (with blue t-shirt and everything) and then down vote whatever you say.
Have a nice day!
What would His Steveness's personal computer on which the iPhone WAS DESIGNED (oh and the Samsung Galaxy S as well, and Android, and a large proportion of Windows Aero) fetch on eBay?
$60,000 feels about right for what His own personal collection could fetch at auction.
"You might think $60,000 is a fair amount of kit to leave around the house"
Could have been as little as an iPhone and a Patek Philippe watch that someone forgot to put in the safe.
Not that hard for a well-to-do couple to have $60K (insured value) of jewelry lying about. Probably much easier for billionaires.
I'm surprised nobody has come out with the "Hows disrespectful of the dead" angle yet.
So to head that one off, here's my response: The thief was probably just a druggie muppet, who figured he's case a transparently wealthy family's house. I doubt very much that this was a targeted effort.
The fact he has already been caught is a big giveaway. If the US police are anywhere near as incompetent and apathetic as our when it comes to burglary, they probably only caught him because he tried to flog them a 20 grand jewelry piece. Not the mistake a serious memorbilia thief would make.
No sir, you are incorrect I'm afraid. Jobs' would be plural possessive, that is, something that belongs to many people that are called Job.
However, in the article it is written as "Job's" which is most definitely wrong by both our definitions. So I'm not sure why you bothered to argue.
Really? I make a comfortable 6 figure income and live in the suburbs and $60,000 of kit is just one room. Hell, I have a coin jar with a few thousand dollars in it sitting in my kitchen.
If I were worth 10 figures, I would imagine that instead of a $1,000 projector in the game room, I'd have a $5,000 projector. If the guy only took $60,000, they should send him to a home for incompetent people who really shouldn't be responsible for themselves.