"Young adults" aka...
"People easily blinded by propaganda".
And in this case stupid people at that.
I'm not just saying that as an insult, I'm saying that because I truly mean it: they are idiots.
IF you really want to know about something. Whether its an (electronic) consumer device, a webshop, a shop within your town right down to a political party to vote on then there's only 1 smart thing to do....
First you obviously find out about $subject (see above) to find out if your goal is really what you want. But here's the deal: Once you have decided that you aimed for what you really want its time to realize that so far all you've been reading / viewing has most likely been in /favour/ of $subject.
To get the whole story it is now time to look into the other side of the opinion pool; the nay sayers. Sure; you'll get some hate, you'll get some bashing, but if you try good enough you'll also get some genuine stories as to why people don't like $subject.
Then, and only then will you be capable of making up your own mind on this.
I kid you not. I'll go on the record; I own a WinPhone, like it too. I went over several Android fora before I got one. Not to decide on which one was "better". Hardly. To learn what people using the other choice considered to be lacking on my choice. That left me prepared. Yes; it has its limits. But I knew them even before I picked one up.
This is no different.
When it comes to our governments (no matter what country you're from) you'll always get 1 sided stories. Namely from the government. Sure; there are different parties, but they all have 1 major thing in common: their paychecks come from 1 shared source. Paid from taxes which you and I have to cough up.
Bottom line: you can't expect stories coming from these parties not to be coloured, no matter /where/ they stand with their political ideals. Just like companies will always have a double agenda (keeping the customers happy /but/ also ensuring a steady cashflow) the same can be said about the governments.
As to Wikileaks... Right or wrong, good or evil; not my call to make.
Fact of the matter is that they only show what the governments have been doing so far and are unwilling to share with us. Governments do that (hiding stuff) even when we are entitled to it.
Small (US specific) issue... Attack on the Pentagon (9/11). Freedom of information yet the government refuses to release the (massively available; 84 cameras, go figure!) video footage as to what has transpired there. After some people started prosecuting for /years/ the US government has finally released a 5 frame footage showing absolutely nothing. There's a display of "freedom" right there.
Bottom line (this is turning into an essay, I know): Governments lie to us. Its not a theory its a given. In the US its even allowed by law (police officers can provide you with falsified info to get you to confess). So who's controlling or checking the government ?
In most cases the government is controlled through information channels controlled by that very same government.
You may not like other people "attacking" your government. I can respect that. But if your government is as good and solid as they are they should be able to withstand such "attacks" quite easily.
But if you really think that there is a desperate need to silence the other voices or other opinions - no matter the motivation - then you're basically agreeing that something is seriously wrong with your own opinion.
No matter how cliched this is: if you have an opinion and don't allow anyone to challenge it then your opinion is - by definition - bordering plain out oppression.
Enter the stages of the fanboys, the fanatics, the nutjobs.