You missed one missing key feature: the 320 series is database-safe, with capacitor that has enough power to flush pending writes in the event of power failure, unlike 330 (or 520 for that matter). Which explains why the 320 series is selling for a much higher price.
Intel 330 120GB SSD review
When Intel launched the SSD 520 series of drives it caused quite a kerfuffle. The company had abandoned using one of its own controllers or even a Marvell controller, as found in the 510 series. Instead, the ubiquitous LSI Sandforce SF-2281 controller was utilised but with Intel’s own hand firmly in charge of the firmware. …
Wednesday 8th August 2012 20:55 GMT Ammaross Danan
Re: SSD Mounting kit
Also, there's some media-card reader/USB hub all-in-one bay things kicking around that have a 2.5" drive tray mount on the back of them for just this sort of thing. Loads of features for ~$20 (check Other option is to duct tape it to the side of your case or the underside of your DVD drive. SSDs don't have moving parts and are feather-light, so no problem.