back to article Microsoft retracts staffer's 'new Xbox' comment

Microsoft has dismissed comment made by one of its executives this week, insisting references to a "new Xbox" were taken out of context. The Redmond firm has a strict 'tight lips sink no ships' policy covering its future gaming system, so it was a surprise when Windows general manager Brian Hall flagged it up during an …


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  1. HamsterNet
    Thumb Down

    Come on

    Get it out the door already. The xBox is old now and I want some better graphics to catch up with what you can get on a 10 year old PC please...

    1. TraceyC

      Re: Come on

      If you want better graphics you can always upgrade the graphics card. Oh wait! You can do that on a PC but not a console. Ah well, wait for your overlords to release something new, then.

  2. ajgraham

    I would just like a console that doesn't sound like a jet taking off when it's in full flight

    1. Piro

      Or dies.. over and over

      I've had 2 now, both are dead out of warranty. I can revive one by heating it up, but it doesn't last.

      However, I don't want to buy a replacement if there's a new one. That leaked document seemed pretty convincing, so I'll take my chances and wait for a bit.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Or dies.. over and over

        You may be able to repair one with parts from the other, many self reapir youtube video's out there for xbox's.

        It is the one of the worst kept secrets Microsoft have and also given there track record would you realy want to buy one in the first few months.

        Cheaper to repair your's or find somebody else as convinced as yourself who has a working xbox and get them to sell it cheap.

      2. TraceyC

        Re: Or dies.. over and over

        Maybe I'm missing something, but if they keep dying, why do you want to get another one?

    2. SpaMster
      Thumb Up

      Protip : Buy a PS3

  3. squilookle

    Happy with mine and happy to not have it replaced for another year or so, thus getting another year or so out of the investment I made in it.

    We are near the end, yes, but there's a little bit of life left in it yet.

    1. Richard Plinston

      investment ?

      > the investment I made in it.

      It is _NOT_ an 'investment', it is merely the cost of a complete waste of time.

      1. squilookle

        Re: investment ?

        "It is _NOT_ an 'investment', it is merely the cost of a complete waste of time."

        Absolutely not. Gaming is no more a waste of time than any other hobby. Incidentally, I wonder what you do with your time that you consider so worthwhile? I would also be interested to see you elaborate on why you feel it is a waste of time.

        What *IS* a waste of time, is reading an article about something you feel is a waste of time, and then wasting even more time denouncing it on the message boards.

        I stand by the use of the word "investment": I have spent money on the system expecting a return in the form of entertainment in the years following the purchase. However, I will humour you and rephrase my original comment in the hope that you can happily go back under your bridge: I want the most use and support of my purchase, which I am still happy with, before it gets replaced by the newer model.

  4. Mike Brown

    MS might have an issue here

    as someone mentioned above, MS track record of 1st gen consoles is pretty poor. They might struggle to sell any to anyone that rememers the RROD debacle.

  5. Senior Ugli

    Seriously xbox 720? what is with naming products these days? its so primitive

    Iphone 9, xbox 1080, ps23


    1. Eddy Ito


      If the next one were to be called YBox then folks would wonder...

  6. Sporkinum

    Gold or very little

    Like pretty much anything else on the XBox, I'd bet you need a gold account or 90% of anything new will not be available to you.

  7. LinkOfHyrule
    Paris Hilton

    I think they should do away with the product name xbox altogether - it's an absolute disgusting name I mean seriously it sounds like "ex's box" eeewwww!

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