Re: I completely agree, US Politicians are no better than two year olds that need a spanking
Hahah, "you must pass the bill so you can read it...".
Remember the first bill passed in Fall 2008 to "save the economy". That was the first jump off the cliff (not the cause, but the knee-jerk reaction). I recall all the dire warnings about not passing it scared most of the pols into voting for it. (Point of context, though I blame Republicans for buying into it as well, is that in 2008, the House and Senate were dem controlled).
To me fear/emotion based arguments are a total waste of time. I think it's time for all us to unite against the lies from political (govt., media, business, Hollywood and so on) scam artists and those who practice cronyism at the expense other U.S. citizens. For example, saying "the rich must pay their fair share" is an emotional argument. Saying that those taxpayers (individuals and businesses) who make over 250,000 and are paying no income taxes should have their loopholes removed (unless those loopholes somehow truly benefit the economy, but there should be a high bar to prove it) is a better platform. If you look at any of the IRS, GAO, CBO statistics, the rich ARE paying their fair share, so it's a divisive, really ridiculous argument. Let's not let them get away with it.
Bills should not be loaded with extraneous issues not directly related to the one being passed, and dividing the U.S. should not be tolerated. If you can intelligently argue your point from your principles, then we can have the conversation and still be friends afterwards.
Beer, since it's a good idea for everyone to relax, and get away from the emotional loading and do our best to weigh the facts.