My account is fake, but not "fake"
I suppose my Facebook account is technically fake as it's not in my "real" name, but uses the pseudonym I use in my political cartoons, protest videos, blog posts, and last but not least, comments on El Reg.
However, I run it as if it were a "real" account: I "friend" only people I actually know or work with in person -- mostly progressive activist types -- and generally keep my privacy settings locked down tighter than a prima donna's corset. I use it primarily to promote and share my political cartoon work, so I also try to treat it as if it were a "professional" account -- so almost all the stuff in my feed is activism/news related, no bullshit about what people are having for lunch, none of that crap.
Still, ironically, because it's under an assumed name with a constructed persona, it's "fake". I've considered setting up a separate account in my "real" name as my "straight" professional account, for posting links to my commercial design portfolio and my resume and such, and perhaps linking it to my LinkedIn account (jeezus, talk about useless; don't even get me started). I haven't bothered with it because I already own a domain name based on my "real" name, complete with an email address and Web site that potential clients can go to, and I just can't see where having a Facebook account in my "real" name would add any value to my "straight" professional Web presence. Based on everything I see going down vis-a-vis Facebook, it seems better for my career if my "real" self just stayed the hell away.