Win9 development started last year
"We see vehicle and home automation as an important emerging market. IN order to unify the interfaces between our PC*, Entertainment* and Mobile* offerings (to which we still retain a strong commitment!) we are undertaking the most expensive Windows development project ever to completely reimagine the interface. Now you will be able to use a Mouse*, Keyboard*, Stylus*, Fingers*, Voice*, Steering Wheel, Wall Sliders, Thermostat and Television-mounted Kinect all as "first class citizens" on the latest Microsoft Windows!
To further our efforts to unify the look and feel of Windows across all devices, we will be optimising our operating system for 30-charater displays common on most household thermostats. Rest assured however, we will continue to support alternative display devices such as monitors or tablets. All data will be syncronised with the cloud using Microsoft’s new Windows BlueSkypeBee 60ghz high-capacity home-area-networking.
To smooth the transition to this new model, we have unfortunately had to deprecate all high-level programming languages. Win RT will still be supported on some device classes, however the only universally supported development platform is building your own scanning tunnelling microscope and flipping bits on our new Microsoft FAT Flash one atom at a time.
We have created a series of Microsoft Virtual Academy videos to help you embrace the power of this new development model. Users drive the need for great products, but it is developers, developers, developers who make those great products come to life.
Windows 9: what do you want to run Windows on today?
*Please note that these form factors and input types are only available with purchase o an Office 365 L5 or higher monthly subscription. (Minimum 10 users, $55 USD per user per month, subject to change. All users agree to be bound by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the state of Washington. Service is provided on a “best effort” basis and is not guaranteed. Patents pending.”
--Redmontian PR flak transmitting via Windows 9 Temporal Interface from BUILD 2015. (Thanks to the new Microsoft Quantum Tunnelling STM; buy now on the Windows Store, only 10E72 Windows Points!)