As my tweet went: As long as Dan Porter has a job with #Zynga after the Shay Pierce statement, you get nothing from me Zynga.
Does this come as a surprise to anyone? They were dirt bags then, and dirt-bags now.
A class action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of investors over alleged insider dealing by the senior management team at Zynga. Last week, lawyers at Newman Ferrara issued a call for investors who felt they'd been stiffed by Zynga. They now appear to have enough aggrieved parties. The case, filed in the US District Court …
... Is hardly a classifiable as a nuisance suit either. There is a genuine and serious grievance there. Yes a lot of small investors got their fingers burnt, yet the large institutional investors leading the offer and recommending the pricing (in receipt of 'privileged' information about future earnings) and who also purchased shares, didn't. Don't forget their duty was to fairly project the offer to the public. So how can that circle be squared? IMHO there is little doubt they 'deliberately' failed in their duty but, unfortunately for the small investor, they probably knew enough about how to play the system to be sure of being on the right side of the law (e.g. Enough parties new the information to satisfy the law the info had been made public, even if the those parties happened to be a cosy cartel of fat cats sureveying the field of Turkeys ripe for the "plucking.") So to imply it is merely a nuisance suit is hardly fair.
they really need to look at their ad revenue... i, for one, while i do play zynga games and have actually paid in some real $$$ for a few things, do not ever see ANY ads from zynga or FB or most any other site i choose to visit... so, not only is there no facetime but there is also no clickthrus... all hail noscript and adblockplus! ;)